Special Bonus Chapter

Updated Edition


This decade is off to a rough start. So far, the 2020’s are marked by a deadly global pandemic, distressing racial tensions, divisive partisan politics, and white-knuckle economic uncertainty.

When I’m stressed—and who isn’t these days?—loving my neighbor is a command I admit I want to ignore. But just when we think we might get a little break, we realize this is exactly when we are needed most. 

This free download is a bonus chapter for How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird, updated with all new tips and tools to love your neighbor “in these uncertain times”. 


The Coronavirus Quiz is included as part of the discussion questions in the free bonus chapter for How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird: Updated Edition – or take the interactive, online version now. It will hel you evaluate where you might need prayer and practical assistance, and how to love your neighbor whose experience may be vastly different than yours.

Use it to reflect on how the pandemic has affected you in the areas of personal loss, health and wellness, community, economic impact, vocation, and mental health. I’ve included suggestions for interpreting your score, as well tips for using the Quiz to start a conversation or build empathy and gain understanding of others.

Your score is displayed as you answer each question. No data is shared, your responses are kept private, and no personal information is required.


Amy Lively

My passion is teaching God’s word as a “How To” manual, and I learned to explain complex theology in simple terms and bring high concepts into daily living by inviting women of all ages and faith backgrounds into my own living room.

As founder of an international ministry that helps women start neighborhood Bible studies in their homes, sharing the Gospel in our everyday environments is close to my heart. I have a degree in Christian Ministry and have leadership experience in church planting, women’s ministry, small groups, and parachurch organizations. I am a church volunteer, community organizer, and business owner–and don’t forget wife, mom, daughter, and neighbor.

Like you, I’m figuring out our new normal one day at a time.


In the middle of a global pandemic, in the midst of worldwide social unrest, we found ourselves in our own mess—earthshattering, heartbreaking events right in our own homes.

Around the world and right on your street, our neighbors are dealing with deeply personal problems that far outweigh the current crisis of the day.

This new normal is anxiety on steroids. It’s sad and scary, and they are desperate for hope. They are looking for answers, they are searching for relief. We all are. Our neighbors are watching to see how we respond when our faith in Christ collides with crisis.

What’s inside

17 pages of new content

Full of new tips, tools, and techniques to love your neighbor in a pandemic – even if they had different political signs in their yard. This beautiful full-color booklet is printable or can easily be read on any device.

Coronavirus Quandaries

Can you love your neighbor from 6 feet apart? You betcha. Figure out how God made you for such a time as this. 

The Solution to the Race Problem in America

It really is as simple (and as difficult) as “love your neighbor.” We’ll break it down with:

  • 7 areas of culture where you can make a difference
  • 5 ways to listen 
  • 3 actions you can take
  • 1 world-changing question 

Partisan Politics

The view from your front porch influences your worldview. Learn the single most important question you can ask your neighbor to help bridge the great political divide.

Next Best Steps

Questions to do on your own, with your family, or with a group that will help you love your neighbor in a whole new way. 

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  1. Jane Slagle

    I have lived in this neighborhood for 50 years things has changed. Some of the neighbors have passed. Now I don’t know anyone. People seem to keep to themselves.

    • Amy Lively

      Hello, Jane – it must be sad to see the community you love change so much with the loss of your friends and new neighbors moving in who you don’t know. People do keep to themselves more these days, and it seems harder to get to know neighbors. I pray that you will be strengthened, emboldened, and encouraged to be the one who reaches out and creates spaces for new friendships to develop. I am asking God to open doors (quite literally!) for new life-giving connections with the people He has placed around you. He has purpose and intent in selecting your experience, personality, abilities, and spiritual gifts for this street at this moment. If you have any questions or have trouble downloading the free resource on this page, please email me at amy@amylively.com and I will make sure you get it.


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