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Neighborhood Cafe Webinar

Neighborhood Cafe Webinar

Do you want to love your neighbor but are unsure where to start? Does your heart ache for the homes around you, yet it seems impossible to connect with the people inside? Well, here’s your plan for 2025: host a Neighborhood Cafe! Here’s how the Neighborhood Cafe works: Invite your neighbors to an Open House Invite them back to Bible study Sound daunting? Don’t worry. If you have 1,000,000 questions between Step 1 and Step 2, I’ve already faced 999,999 of them - and we’ll tackle the last one...

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Mending Fences

Mending Fences

Scared but smiling, I knocked on Lisa’s door and invited her over for coffee—along with 89 other neighbors. We had never met before, but I was finally caving in to a crazy idea to start a neighborhood Bible study. The fact that I didn’t know many of my neighbors didn’t seem to bother God, but it had caused me months of angst! Our roles were reversed on the day of my Open House as Lisa knocked on my door—coffee mug in one hand and a Bible in the other. I called it the Neighborhood Café, and...

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Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas

I wrote this poem one year when we donated gifts to a local charity instead of giving presents to our friends and their children. Adapted from the classic "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement Clarke Moore, feel free to use it if you adopt the idea yourself! ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the houseNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;The stockings were bulging, their toes showing wear,Full near to bursting, weight too great to bear.  The children were nestled all...

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Christmas Reading

Christmas Reading

The Christmas Story Here I've combined the Christmas story as told in the gospels of Matthew 1:1-2:23, Luke 1:1-2:52, and John 1:1-18 in one continuous reading. I pray you enjoy this reading of the Christmas story straight from the Bible! These Scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV).The Word Became Flesh John 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him...

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Neighborhood Cafe Podcast Christmas Episode

Neighborhood Cafe Podcast Christmas Episode

I was podcasting before podcasting was cool! Actually, I had a weekly radio program on a local Christian station! Jesus. Since this was published, even more people are lonely and we're more desperate for a friend.  I hope you enjoy this oldie but goodie about the real joy of Christmas found only in Jesus! All was not calm, all was not bright in the dingy stable where they slept that first Christmas night. It will be a "Silent Night" in many homes on your street this Christmas because of...

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Do you want to love your neighbor but are unsure where to start?

Here’s your plan for 2025: host a Neighborhood Cafe!

Join Amy for a webinar January 21 and learn how to start a neighborhood Bible study in your home.

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