“I want to do great things for God!”

Every good Christian says it.

But putting it into action is terribly difficult.

I would know.

In 12 years of marriage, my husband and I moved 10 times. Each move, I would say, “THIS time! This time I will share my faith and do great things for God!”

Fast forward a couple months, and there I was. Packing up boxes, wondering where the time went, feeling ashamed that I had not shared the gospel.


What was my problem?

My problem was that I honestly THOUGHT I could do great things for God.

Folks, doing great things for the God who parted the Red Sea is A LOT of pressure!

“I want to do great things for God!”

We all say it, but God never requires it. Because He knows we can’t deliver.

Let me be clear. Nothing we do or say can contribute or add to the greatness of our God.

Wow. Total bummer, right?

No way!!! Its liberating! It’s the gospel!

It’s three words that separate our faith from every other: PRESSURE’S OFF, BABY!!!

When I moved to Atlanta, God did a work in me and I finally came to my senses.

She did what she could Sara Edwards

Greatness was gonna happen in my neighborhood! God WANTS these people! I can watch it happen or I can join Him on mission.

I quit striving for greatness and surrendered to obedience.That’s all I did.

He said, “Pray for your neighbors.”

So I did. Not for hours and hours. I’m a terrible pray-er. So, He gave me a prayer warrior friend to pick up the slack.

He said, “Start a Bible Study.”

So I did. I was terrified. But, my job was to obey. Success was on God. And people did come!

Not in droves. 6 to 8 at a time, 3 studies a year, over 5 years.

Nothing great.

Now, 7 years later, I am packing again. Moving again. I think of so many struggles and tears, prayers and triumphs, coffees and conversations.

I also think of a lady I never met. A lady mentioned in Mark 14 who anointed Jesus’ feet with oil. She didn’t do anything spectacular and was even criticized for not doing more. But Jesus gave her His stamp of approval with these words…

“She did what she could.”

That phrase floats in and out of my mind as I say goodbye to my neighbors.

For the first time in 10 moves, I feel no guilt.

For the first time in 10 moves, I truly feel like I did what I could.

Many of you are just starting out. All you see is the fear and all you can think is “What if I fail?”

As one wimp to another, could I pass on some advice?

Start each morning with this prayer: “Lord! Let me be obedient. Let me be willing. Let me be available.”

Someday, you’ll pack your boxes and God will smile and say,

“She did what she could.”


1 Comment

  1. Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet

    “Nothing we do or say can contribute or add to the greatness of our God.” You are SO right Amy! What a beautiful post and exactly the reminder I needed this week. XX


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