We have, once again, experienced great evil.

An armed man entered Umpqua Community College in Oregon and killed 10 people.

The temptation is to try and make sense of evil.

The urge is to think frantically for a magic answer, or throw our hands up in despair.  Write the world off as going to hell in a hand basket.

I have been through this thought process myself as we face shooting after shooting.  Horror after horror.

But, God keeps bringing one verse to mind. Over and over.

“Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’. Shine the light of Your face on us, O Lord.” Psalm 4:6

Our hope. The blazing sun of our salvation. Is not extinguished by evil.

Better yet. It is the answer the world needs.

As we grapple and grieve today, let us pray that the Light of His Face shines on us. Reflecting His love to a world that feels desperately confused and scared.

How do you live out the hope of Christ in the face of such atrocities?

Take a deep breath. Remember that God is still on the throne. Our mission has not changed.

“…be blameless and pure, children of God without fault, in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the heavens.”
Phil. 2:15

Shine today! Shine for your neighbors. Love your neighbors. You cannot change the world but you can change your street. Each neighbor was placed in your life on purpose. They are your “world”.

Lets roll up our sleeves, friends. Lets open our doors wide and let the gospel shine through us today in deliberate, intentional Acts of Hope.  Believe me, in light of the constant flow of bad news, such acts WILL shine in comparison.

Respond to this post with how you plan on shining today.

For me? Baking cookies and connecting with a few neighbors God has laid on my heart.

Your neighbors are asking, “Who can show us any good?”

Let the light of God’s face shine on YOU, and through you!



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