Confession: I’ve ever seen a scary movie, never been to a haunted house. I cringe at creepy, crawly decorations and I dread a month of gory programs on television.

But… my neighbors seem to like Halloween very much.

They’re hanging spider webs and bats (and occasionally even people) in their yards, choosing costumes and stocking up on candy.

One of these is not real...

One of these Halloween visitors is not real…

This year, I’m going to take advantage of Halloween to meet my neighbors. This is not the time to debate whether Halloween is right or wrong, good or bad, evil or innocent. I can have those conversations with my friends at church. But in my neighborhood, where no one asked or cared about my opinion, I’m going to embrace the opportunity and answer the doorbell this Trick-or-Treat.

How not to be weird at Halloween:

  • Don’t preach. Don’t judge, condemn or criticize. Don’t roll your eyes or raise your eyebrows. Unless someone asks for your opinion, don’t offer it.
  • Participate! Open your door to trick-or-treaters or sit at the end of your driveway. Pass out the best candy you can afford, and drop it in each bag with a smile and a silent prayer.
  • Make conversation. Talk to the adults accompanying the costumed cuties, offer them a bottle of water, hot chocolate, fruit or full sized candy. If you’re the one going door to door, introduce yourself to your neighbors and ask their names. Thank them for treating your kids – then deliver a thank you note as a second point of contact.
  • Make friends. Your neighbors are knocking on your door: hallelujah! What better time to introduce yourself, ask your neighbors’ names (then write them down so you don’t forget!) and get to know the people who live around you.


Halloween Hacks

Pumpkin Party In Long Beach, CA, they hosted neighborhood Pumpkin Parties throughout the city. Neighbors gathered together to carve pumpkins, play games, and share a potluck meal.

Host a Neighborhood Soup Party Check out recipes and inspiration from The Turquoise Table to host an impromptu Soup Party in your home.

S’Mores Station Andrea invites her neighbors to toast s’mores while the kiddos go house to house.


Be the light during this season of darkness!


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