This article was originally published in the January 19, 2011 “Tip of the Week” newsletter from, a publication of Jennifer Rothschild Ministries.

This week in my beloved little city, we buried a veteran and father of two young children who took his own life. In other news, the newspaper reported the arrest of a restaurant owner for selling drugs on the premises, an historic government building was condemned, schools discussed why heroin addiction in local teens is three times higher than the national average, and two high school football teams lost exciting state play-off games.  Not reported was a painful split at a local church.

Your city probably has its share of problems, too. So did Corinth and Ephesus. When the apostle Paul visited these bustling cities around AD 54, they were well known for extensive commerce, established government, elaborate theaters, pagan temples… and rampant immorality.

Paul didn’t hide out in the local church and invite people to come. In just two chapters in Acts, Paul proclaimed the kingdom of God in seven areas of culture that even today, influence and shape the way a community thinks and behaves:

  1. Family Paul stayed with a family fleeing Roman persecution (18:2)
  2. Business Paul worked a trade (18:3); there was uproar in the marketplace (19:24-27)
  3. Religion Paul spoke in the synagogues (18:4-8, 19:1-8)
  4. Government Paul was tried for crimes (18:12-17, 19:35-41)
  5. Education He taught in the school (19:9)
  6. Media Widespread reporting of miracles (19:17); a riot spread by word-of-mouth (19:32)
  7. Arts and entertainment Magicians became believers (19:19)

A New Measure of Success

What would it look like if you measured the success of your ministry by the health of your community in these seven areas? Instead of counting heads at your spring luncheon, count how many women visit abortion clinics. Take a look at pornography sales, suicide rates, drug use, teen pregnancy, divorce, prison population, graduation rate, poverty level and unemployment – what difference is your ministry making in those areas?

If that seems overwhelming, dear friend, please take heart. These red-letter words of our Savoir jump out from the black text in the midst of our early church history:

“Keep it up, and don’t let anyone intimidate or silence you. No matter what happens, I’m with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you. You have no idea how many people I have on my side in this city.”

Acts 18:9-10 (MSG)

Let’s expand the definition of “kingdom” beyond our church walls and reclaim our cities for Christ. Jesus is still the “God of this City,” and He is on our side!

BONUS: We’ve provided a download, On Your Side, to help your women identify cultural areas where they have influence, experience, expertise, opportunity or passion.

Click here to subscribe to the free, weekly e-newsletter from and receive Part 2 of “God of this City” next week!


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