I want to let you know about last night: Three ladies came! I am learning to trust that God is the only one in control here! The study is awesome and I am blown away by what God is revealing to me personally.

I did follow up as you encouraged me to do with personal notes to the twelve women I met when I was handing out the invitations. My heart is so open now to everybody I connect with – like you said, “Where have I been?” It is like I am a completely different person as far as relating to other people. I am so much more aware of others desires.

I am finally listening to other people. What have I been thinking? I was so self-absorbed and deceived in my spiritual walk.

Thank you for being there for me when I so desperately needed someone that was real and available with a heart that was confident and bold for Jesus. It was all of this that drew me into your story about your own experience and your Neighborhood Cafe.

Anna in Nashville


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