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Why Thoughts Aren’t Prayers
According to my car, the outside temperature was 103 degrees. But inside the car, where a glitch caused the air conditioning to intermittently stop working, it felt like the surface of the sun. My GPS showed a solid red line of traffic on the parched Florida highway stretching on for miles and miles. “God can fix it!” I thought, wondering if he would send an ambulance, sirens blaring, to administer intravenous fluids just in time to save me from heat stroke. Maybe he would open a new lane...
Kind Words from Ministry Leaders
How we met... It's pure gold when words of endorsement come from women doing the real work of ministry, with boots on the ground and arms around their women. They know what it's like when someone opens their brand new Bible for the very first time. They have extra boxes of tissue in their offices for a reason. They gather in hospital rooms and funeral homes, baby showers and birthday parties. These women are the real deal.Lara and I planted a church together in Ohio where she now...
A New Excuse Not to Love My Neighbor
In my continual quest to find an exception clause or asterisk to Christ’s Second Greatest Command, I have a new excuse I’m sure the Lord has never heard before: “My neighborhood is a ghost town.” Literally. I live on a guest ranch in Colorado where the cabins are named for abandoned ghost towns. We have a handful of permanent residents, but hundreds of different families shuffle through the ranch throughout the year. Just up the road is one of the most well-preserved ghost towns in Colorado,...
Autumn Outreach
My daughter used to get on my last nerve by the last day of summer. I think this phenomena is actually God’s kindness to mothers, easing the pain of separation with the joy of independence (hers and mine!). We both looked forward to going back to school. But then I blinked, and this happened— Just like that, she’s all grown up. Instead of picking out colored folders we were filling out college applications. Now that cute little kid has long since graduated from college and runs her own...
Radiant Resilience Summit
Your cup of hope doesn't have to stay empty. We tend to think we're stuck. But the truth is, encouragement and empowerment from Christian sisters helps. Are you stuck in a negative mindset? Are you trying to spend more time with the Lord, or is prayer and bible study time on the back burner? Do you have tools and resources that will help you through your struggle? Are you taking your thoughts captive and renewing your mind? Have you pushed your people away when you're sad and discouraged? This...