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Kind Words from Jennifer Rothschild

Kind Words from Jennifer Rothschild

How we met... I met Jennifer and her husband, Dr. Phil, at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference in 2009. She was superstar, yet so approachable. I won a door prize at her session and signed up for, which they founded to equip women in ministry to lead well. This chance encounter led to wonderful friendships with Jennifer, Dr. Phil, and the WM staff - and an invitation to write for her ministry. Jennifer's belief in me and the opportunity she generously gave me was...

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100 Ways To Engage Your Neighborhood

100 Ways To Engage Your Neighborhood

When Josh Reeves made a list of 100 ways to engage your neighborhood. He said: "I have found that it is often helpful to have practical ideas to start engaging the people around me. Most of the things on this list are normal, everyday things that many people are already doing. The hope is that we would do these things with Gospel intentionality. This means we do them: In the normal rhythms of life pursuing to meet and engage new people Prayerfully watching and listening to the Holy Spirit to...

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How Not to Love Your Neighbor

How Not to Love Your Neighbor

After a twenty year hiatus, I returned to Jesus wholeheartedly. After two decades walking without Him, I was all into The Greatest Commandment. He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 The Second Greatest Commandment took me a little while longer. “The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:39 Jesus was being quizzed...

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St. Peter’s Day is June 29

St. Peter’s Day is June 29

It’s always a good day to be in Italy, but June 29 is special. This is the celebration of St. Peter's Day, a significant religious occasion in Rome and around the world celebrated with regattas, parades, and fireworks. Fishing communities have a feast with dancing, contests, and games; boats get a fresh coat of paint and receive a blessing from their local priest. St. Peter's Day is the traditional anniversary of Peter's martyrdom at the hands of the emperor, Nero. According to historians, on...

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Cutest Book Cover Ever!

Cutest Book Cover Ever!

A cup of sugar? Sure. A ladder or tool? All the time. But chances are, a neighbor has never knocked on your door asking to borrow a cup of hope. Or have they? Sometimes we're too busy to notice the need right next door, but it's there. My new book was written for you to share hope with your neighbor. In fact, these lessons were first taught in my own Neighborhood Cafe surrounded by my sweet friends' questioning faces and hurting hearts.  The designers at Kregel did a wonderful job capturing...

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