Small Group Guides

Week 4: Hang Out

Week 4: Hang Out

Jesus did it. He left heaven to hang out with us, to be God With Us. And we can do it, too. This challenge can be as fun as it is intimidating. Once you've made the commitment, be prepared for the blessing! Pinkie promise: loving your neighbor doesn't have to be...

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Week 3: Talk

Week 3: Talk

Are you good at small talk? Or do you prefer deep conversations? Whatever your personality, this week's challenge will help you find a way to talk to your neighbors so you can really, truly love them like Christ commanded. Begin by discussing the Next Best Steps for...

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Week 2: Meet

Week 2: Meet

  You're 21 days into loving your neighbor - how's it going for you? Are you feeling overwhelmed, guilty or lazy? Don't! This is a process that requires long-term commitment and perseverance. We're here to help, and so is your small group! Today you'll discuss...

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Week 1: Pray

Week 1: Pray

Welcome back to your second time together digging into How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird with your Small Group. (You'll might notice that we're calling this Week 1, even though it's your second gathering. It was too confusing to do Week 2 with Chapter 1,...

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Icebreakers and Expectations

Icebreakers and Expectations

Welcome to your first small group to figure out "How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird"! This week, you'll receive your book and Participant's Guide, discuss pages 1-6, watch a short video from Amy and Sara to introduce the study, and meet the other women in...

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