Love Your Neighbor Challenge

#10: Praise

#10: Praise

“You look nice today!” You remember where you were standing, the exact weather conditions, and where you bought the clothes you were wearing the last time someone complimented your outfit. Kind words linger. This Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to PRAISE your neighbor...

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#11: Play

#11: Play

Well, this is a fun one! Today on the Love Your Neighbor Challenge you get to play with a neighbor. Enjoying a walk together or playing a game in the park are more than mindless ways to pass the time: play is actually a sign of peace, safety and strength in your...

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#12: write

#12: write

Today's Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to write a letter or card and send it to a neighbor. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to send a lasting note with words of encouragement, gratitude, or kindness. This easy gesture shows your neighbor they are noticed,...

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#13: Host

#13: Host

When women weren’t lining up at my door to be my friend, I realized I was going to have to go to theirs. After a lot of internal debate and downright disobedience, I finally invited 89 neighbors over for coffee. Yep. 89. Please hear me: You don’t have to do that! You...

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#14: Moms

#14: Moms

God has a soft spot for moms. “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.” Isaiah 40:11 I don't have to look any further than this photo of me and...

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#15: Share

#15: Share

So. Much. Work. All this work to pray for your neighbors, map your 'hood, learn people's names, serve your community, give cute gifts, call a friend, help someone out, post nice things, eat a meal, offer a bit of praise, play together, write a note, host in your home,...

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