Teaching Materials

The winner of our giveaway of Lysa TerKeurst’s “Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl” book, workbook and DVD is Tracey Fawcett White! Thanks for your comments, it’s so helpful when choosing a study to hear from people who have “been there, done that.”

If you’re considering a Neighborhood Cafe, please don’t get hung up on which Bible study to do. Take things one step at a time, and the first step is just to get to know your neighbors. Be friendly, make friends. Host an Open House just to love on them.

As you get to know the women around you, ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment into their needs.

What woman doesn’t want to feel loved? Who doesn’t need more patience? Who isn’t seeking fulfillment? There are inspiring and inspired Bible studies galore to choose from that are relevant to all women.

Check our our lists of recommendations here and here. Ask your church to recommend a study. Take a field trip to your local Christian bookstore to see what’s available. Most stores will place special orders for you and have a liberal return policy (ask before your purchase). Check out online Christian bookstores like Christian Book and Lifeway.

Select two or three different topics with varying teaching methods such as DVD’s, books or workbooks. Look at different levels of homework, which range from an hour a day to a few minutes a week.

Then ask your neighbors if any of these look interesting, and leave the decision to them.

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