Love Your Neighbor Challenge

The challenge progressively takes you closer to your neighbor day by day. Wrapped in prayer, you’ll take small steps toward a deeper relationship with the people God has placed around you.

Your goal is to make natural connections that can lead to spiritual conversations.

These are simple, effective and powerful ways you and your family can show a neighbor you care. Take a tip and make it your own, adapt it for your personality and community, your schedule and your family’s vibe. Now get ready to love your neighbor in a whole new, never-weird way!

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Love Your Neighbor Challenge

Love Your Neighbor Challenge

Share the love in your neighborhood by accepting the Love Your Neighbor Challenge! The challenge progressively takes you closer to your neighbor day by day. Wrapped in prayer, you'll take small steps toward a deeper relationship with the people God...

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#1: Pray

#1: Pray

Of course, the first Love Your Neighbor Challenge begins with prayer - in fact, we couldn't call this little experiment a success if each day didn't begin with prayer! Prayer won't change God's heart toward your neighbors (He's already crazy about...

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#2: Map

#2: Map

When you visualize your neighborhood, Jesus’ ginormous command to love the whole, wide world becomes local again.   Your second challenge of the Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to draw a map of your neighborhood. This begs the question, "How...

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#3: Learn

#3: Learn

Harry & Sherry were great neighbors - friendly, thoughtful and kind. We talked across the fence often. That’s why I was horrified when they signed the guest list at our last block party as “Harry and Beth.” Had I been calling her by the wrong...

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#4: Serve

#4: Serve

Your next Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to serve your neighbors. Intentionally serve outside your usual church circles to meet people from a variety of backgrounds and interests... kinda like Jesus did when He left heaven to come serve us. Choose...

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#5: Give

#5: Give

Your challenge on the next Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to give a gift to a neighbor. If you don't know your neighbor well (or at all!), having a little gift for them gives you something to talk about as soon as the door is opened. It's an...

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#6: Call

#6: Call

In 1949, Hank Williams, Sr. wrote a song called I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry. When this song first hit the airwaves, less than 10 percent of homes contained only one person. But today? On your street? One in four of the homes on your street is...

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#7: Help

#7: Help

When my husband was injured in a home accident, our neighbors helped us in more ways than one. When one neighbor shouted for help, another came running with her husband - who is also a doctor. An emergency room nurse who lived one street over...

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#8: Post

#8: Post

(Please excuse me while I go check Facebook.)(OK, I’m back.) I just LOL’ed and liked something funny Jessica’s daughter said, wished Peggy a happy birthday, and high-fived Michelle’s morning run. Last night I prayed via Messenger with a far-off...

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#9: Eat

#9: Eat

Everybody eats. Several times a day, in fact. Why not share one of those meals with a neighbor?  Your challenge on the Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to invite a neighbor to eat with you. This simple gesture of hospitality can help end the...

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#10: Praise

#10: Praise

“You look nice today!” You remember where you were standing, the exact weather conditions, and where you bought the clothes you were wearing the last time someone complimented your outfit. Kind words linger. This Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to...

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#11: Play

#11: Play

Well, this is a fun one! Today on the Love Your Neighbor Challenge you get to play with a neighbor. Enjoying a walk together or playing a game in the park are more than mindless ways to pass the time: play is actually a sign of peace, safety and...

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#12: write

#12: write

Today's Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to write a letter or card and send it to a neighbor. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to send a lasting note with words of encouragement, gratitude, or kindness. This easy gesture shows your...

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#13: Host

#13: Host

When women weren’t lining up at my door to be my friend, I realized I was going to have to go to theirs. After a lot of internal debate and downright disobedience, I finally invited 89 neighbors over for coffee. Yep. 89. Please hear me: You don’t...

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#14: Moms

#14: Moms

God has a soft spot for moms. “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.” Isaiah 40:11 I don't have to look any further than...

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#15: Share

#15: Share

So. Much. Work. All this work to pray for your neighbors, map your 'hood, learn people's names, serve your community, give cute gifts, call a friend, help someone out, post nice things, eat a meal, offer a bit of praise, play together, write a...

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