Coronavirus Quiz

We’re all in this together, but we’ve had vastly different experiences dealing with COVID-19.


Reflect upon how the pandemic has affected you in the areas of personal loss, health and wellness, community, economic impact, vocation, and mental health. Check the appropriate response to calculate your Coronavirus Quiz score. Envision your neighbors’ homes, and try to answer these questions for the people who live nearest to you. How has their experience been the same or different from yours? 

    Interpreting Your Coronavirus Quiz Score

    SCORE = 6-10

    This has been a season of reflection and growth. You may be in a position to encourage your neighbors and offer assistance.  

    SCORE = 11-15

    You have been frustrated, but are generally coping well. With a good support system, you may able to offer support to a neighbor as well. 

    SCORE = 16-20

    Long stretches of hard days have been marked with few bright spots. Look for creative ways to connect with a friend who also needs a lift.

    SCORE = 21-25

    You are going to make it, but we know it’s not easy. Balance caring for others with time to refresh your own body, soul, and spirit. 

    SCORE = 26-30

    Please allow others to minister to you and help carry your burdens. Be open about your hardships and honest about your needs. 

    How to use the Coronavirus Quiz

    This quiz measures the health of your soul and spirit; it is not a diagnostic tool for COVID-19 symptoms. Consult a medical professional if you think you may have the virus.

    Here are some ways you can use your Coronavirus Quiz score:

    • Praise God for His protection and provision each painful day of the pandemic
    • Ask someone to pray with you about the areas most impacted in your life 
    • Build empathy and gain understanding for others who have had a very different experience than you
    • Dedicate time for self-care as you evaluate your own needs
    • Seek help from a friend, pastor, counselor, or crisis center if you are anxious or overwhelmed 
    • Start a conversation with a neighbor about how they’ve been impacted by the pandemic


    1. Jan Kennedy

      This e-mail and other resources are very timely, Amy! We’re having a HOA meeting tonight and it’s possible that I will be something like a Stephen Minister for our neighborhood! I’ll let you know how it goes… We also need a man for other men to speak with. Are you still working with Sara? it’s great to hear from you!

      • Amy Lively

        Hello, sweet Jan! No matter what happens at your HOA meeting, I guarantee you already ARE a minister in your neighborhood. Please do let me know how it goes. Sarah up and moved to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago! I’m sure she’s getting to know her neighbors, and once she gets settled I would love to have her post on the blog again. We are very close friends and I’m so grateful for your introduction. 🙂
        ~ Amy

    2. Michelle Edward’s

      I am confident Covid-19 blessed my life in more ways than it hindered it; only God could have used it for His glory during one of the hardest seasons of my life.

      • Amy Lively

        Only God! I love you.

    3. Mary Morash

      I look forward to reading this! I live in NH, which opted to mandate masks and social distancing guidelines for all public spaces except churches and schools. Most churches and all public schools adopted a mask mandate for services. Unfortunately, my church did not. It’s now very clear to me that the conservative, political nature of my church leaders goes beyond what I can support. I am looking for a new church home while trying to maintain friendships I’ve developed over the past 15 years. It’s difficult to say the least.

      • Amy Lively

        Oh, Mary -I do feel your pain! Navigating everyone’s different opinions has been so difficult for me, too. People as well as organizations (churches, businesses, entire communities) have developed what I’ve been calling a unique Pandemic Personality. This personality is often very different from who/what we once knew, and is hard to predict because we’ve never been through anything like this before. I’ll pray for you, and you pray for me, too!

    4. Teresa

      Amy, our annual ladies event that was postponed from February 6th to May 22nd is getting close now. The attendance number is smaller as we are apprehensive about large numbers in our small church setting. We have 70 registered and 15 on a waiting list. I would appreciate prayer to make a way for us to open it up to these 15 ladies.
      I am looking forward to getting a copy of the covid quiz you shared and thinking about including it in the attendees gift bags. I don’t think we can afford to copy the chapter for each lady that you are sharing but wish we could.
      And, we are planning to begin back our Just Us Girls group in the fall and giving thanks for you helping me to begin this wonderful ministry that has touched many lives in our church and community.

    5. Amy Lively

      Teresa, hello!! How wonderful that your women are longing to come! I am praying for a safe, creative way to include every person who wants to be part of your annual event. If you’d like a clean copy of the quiz to print, or a QR code that will take them to the electronic version, please email me at and I’ll send you some goodies. Just Us Girls Neighborhood Café has blessed ME and I’m also giving thanks for your faithfulness in loving your neighbors in Alabama.


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