Over a year ago, I taped this verse to my computer, “I am determined to know nothing when I am with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

It was a pragmatic, simple little thing. I have unattainably high German principles, Dutch opinions, and a scorching Irish temper. These did not “work well” on Facebook. I was easily angered and sharp-tongued…gifted in the realm of snarky comments. Naturally good with words, I would use them to cut people and their obviously ludicrous views down to size.

And, somehow, believed I was doing God a favor.

That verse was supposed to change my outward behavior. Instead, it created total upheaval in my heart. Total.

I began to ask myself an important question. If I had only one breath to breathe…would I form words about my political stance or Christ? My theology or the gospel? And each breath…in and out…was a choice.

It was a tumultuous experience! Its not until looking back, that I can see that this one verse was the “beginning of the end” for so many patterns in my life!

This was supposed to be about Facebook! But God cares more about my heart looking like His than any ministry or effort I aspire to.

“You want to know nothing but Me and the cross?” Jesus said, “Okay…we are going to need to do an inside out gutting of your pride, sin, and selfishness.”

It hurts, but it heals, too. Grace means so much more when you realize how much needs forgiving.

Here I stand. Not a finished product. But infinitely more compassionate and patient and truthful and loving. A renewed wife and mother and friend and neighbor.

All because I taped a verse to my computer last summer.FullSizeRender (1)

Dwell on this verse. Embrace it. Yes, it will benefit those around you. But, more importantly, it will align you with God’s mission for your life and with His heart for people.

So, who’s with me? When faced with a barrage of negative news stories or insults against your faith, will you breathe “Christ and Him crucified” instead of venom? Be gentle. Grace-filled.

Determined. Resolved. Decided.

Our minds must be set, and our hearts soft.

On the receiving end of every utterance is a living, breathing, feeling neighbor who may be scarred or scared by our animosity and hypocrisy.


  1. Janette Daunakamakama

    So true and inspiring word of encouragement from God…great reminder to mind the things that are eternal and not temporary

    • Amy Lively

      Yes, these are timeless words that seem to be even more relevant today. I love Sara’s reminder that I can’t do God any favors by spouting my personal opinion!


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