Did you ever have one of those days? Days when your To Do list fades to a Wish List and eventually becomes a Bucket List? Days when you’re still in your pajamas when the school bus brings the kids home? Days when you have breakfast at lunchtime and lunch at  dinnertime and dinner standing at the counter in front of the late night news?

Nah, me neither!

Did you ever have one of those days

But seriously. I may or may not be wearing my pajamas as I write this in the middle of the afternoon. And that’s OK. Sometimes.

Sometimes it’s OK to have a day that gets away. Sometimes priorities shift and something that wasn’t even on our radar becomes our sole focus.

This happened to me recently when my father-in-law  passed away. You’re never ready – not even when God kindly gives you years of waning health to say goodbye to a kind, sweet, God-fearing man. In the bustle of burying and the heartache of mourning, I put this blog on hold for a few days. It turned into weeks. A month went by. You understand. I know you do.

Before I knew it, my dream was dusty (not to mention my house) and I was losing sight of God’s purpose for my passions.

Every week I receive calls and messages from women who have a passion for connecting with their neighbors. They know they should. They really want to. They’re excited! But then they have one of those days. And it turns into weeks. Months go by. And I understand. You know I do.

So this message from Ecclesiastes 7:8 (The Message) is for both of us, my friend:

Finishing is better than starting.
    Patience is better than pride.

Am I being prideful when I don’t finish God’s plans for me? Am I trusting in myself more than Him? I know He understands – even plans! – life’s detours. But it’s rare that He moves us to a completely new highway. What was a good idea last month is probably still a good idea this month, and the last I heard, no one had rescinded the Second Great Command to love our neighbors. Finishing is better than starting. If you want to finish loving the folks outside your door, let’s get started together.


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