Free Gifts

Free Gifts

Good neighbors freely share cups of sugar, the best babysitter’s phone number, and advice about growing perfect yellow roses.

I want to be your good virtual neighbor, so here are free gifts I’d like to send you to help you love God and love the neighbors He’s placed on your street.

How to Pray for Others

Pretty printable of Bible-based prayers you can download to your phone, or print out to post on your fridge or put in your Bible.

A Prayer for Your Neighbors

Solid, scriptural prayers to help you become a patient, peacemaking  neighbor.

Neighborhood Map

A simple yet effective map you can use to keep track of the homes in your neighborhood… and your new friends! 

Snack Sign Up

This simple sign up has several purposes: it makes things easier on the host, encourages ownership and…

Guest List

Helps you remember who attends your Open House and follow up with each new friend.

Fill your cup with Living Hope

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