Hospitality Quiz

The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore . . . cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

1s Peter 4:7a, 9 NLT

Peter tells us to show hospitality even in hard seasons. His end-time strategy is simple: be nice to strangers. But Peter’s secret ingredient is cheerfulness, a quality I sometimes sorely lack because, let’s face it, hospitality can be hard. Learn more in Chapter 5 of Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope?

This Hospitality Quiz is completely unscientific (I made it all up!) but it does provide you with proven ways you can use your unique, God-given personality to Share Cheerfully!

Do you want to love your neighbor but are unsure where to start?

Here’s your plan for 2025: host a Neighborhood Cafe!

Join Amy for a webinar January 21 and learn how to start a neighborhood Bible study in your home.

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