Can I tell you how much I dread doing laundry? Last week I had to wash one load three times because it got musty sitting in the washer. Three times! I could count on one hand the times I’ve been completely caught up on my small family’s laundry. The washer chugs, the dryer spins – yet my baskets overflow and there are piles of sheets and towels on the floor.

Oh, I know how to do laundry. I have the tools to do laundry. I have a washing machine and dryer my grandmothers would have drooled over. I have a bright and spacious laundry room with lots of cupboards and counter space. I even have a radio to entertain me while I do laundry. I love clean clothes, and I get frustrated when the clothes I want to wear are dirty.

So, why don’t I do laundry? Frankly, there are other things I’d rather be doing, like… well, anything! And thanks to my patient family and overstuffed closets, laundry is one of the first tasks moved to my “To Don’t” list when my “To Do” list fills up.

There is one time when I feel compelled to do laundry.

It’s when I’m putting off something I dread even more. Like cleaning the garage. Or exercising. Or inviting my neighbors to my Neighborhood Cafe Bible study.

Yeah, I know. You would think I would love it. I’ve built this entire ministry to encourage you to go ask your neighbors over for “Coffee, Conversation & Christ.” But since I’ve also done what I’m asking you to do, I can tell you: it’s hard. It takes a lot of time. There’s a risk of rejection. It’s an investment into people’s lives, and that can be messy.

But, since I’ve also done what I’m asking you to do, I can tell you: it’s worth it. I’ve met women I never would  have met. I’ve made friends, women I can call to share a cup of coffee or borrow a cup of sugar. I feel connected with my neighborhood. And I feel that I’ve been obedient to the particular mission God has given me.

I’ll try to remember that the next time I feel compelled to alphabetize my spices, write out  my Christmas cards or file my taxes instead of obeying Christ’s command to love my neighbors.

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Lyon

    Oh Amy. I love your writing. You always make me laugh and I can relate to your struggle. I would rather take a road trip with my toddler (who hates the car) than iron! I hear you girl. Christ’s command to love our neighbors is easy to write on a list, but hard in practice… but the rewards… oh, the rewards in fellowship and finding Christ in our brothers and sisters are so rich!


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