Blame your pituitary. The reason you wake up one minute before your alarm clock, scientists say, is that your pituitary gland pumps you up with stress hormones right before the time you told your body you wanted to awaken.

And here I always thought it was God.

He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.

Isaiah 50:4b

Maybe that’s why He designed my internal alarm clock to go off at 4:59 am, sixty seconds before the clock starts screeching. He has planned something special for our early morning time together. Can’t you just see the Father gently shaking Jesus by the shoulder and whispering, “Son! Wake up! Let’s talk before you start your day” (Mark 1:35).

I can wax poetic about waking up early, but, truth be told, it’s hard and I don’t always do it. Even when I do come sit with the Lord, I find it hard to focus. I plan my to do list, I think about my day.

Praying is hard for me.

Our daughter having her morning devotions, First day of school, 2007

After one such morning of mind-wandering, meandering and measly prayers, I prayed, “Lord, teach me to pray.” I opened my Bible and turned to 1 Samuel, chapter 1. Why? No reason. Just felt like it.

The footnote in verse 11 explained why I had been led there: “Hannah’s supplication is an example of prayer to be carefully studied.”

Gee, Lord, that was fast. Thanks!

The next time you wake up a few minutes before your alarm, say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Get out of bed and go see what He wants. Let Him fill you up so that you can pass His refreshment on to others.


  1. Karen True

    Thank you, Amy, for good words, a precious picture and a heart that loves our Maker. I had a similar quick response recently and hope to write about it soon!

  2. Jessica Lyon


    This is a real post. What I mean is, it’s rooted in solid truth. Praying is hard for me too and though my alarm clock is not an electronic anymore but a 2-year old blonde-headed boy… God still wakes me up 1-2 minutes before the screaming and running and begging starts! How I savor those minutes (most days) and as soon as I realize I am awake, I say, “Thank you Lord for this day – what can I do for you today?”

    I also enjoyed your Hannah reference for obvious reasons. 🙂

    • Amy Lively

      I know your prayers are effective, Jessica, because I see how He answers your prayers to be used every day! I’m going to write more on Hannah soon, although I’ll be studying her example of prayer for a lifetime. Love you – and your new little Hannah, too!

  3. Jane

    Amy, Just a God thing but stumbled onto your website somehow? today! I love it and am so excited! Our pastor 2 Sundays ago talked about getting to know our neighbors and sharing the gospel with them. I just could not figure out how to do it?!? Do I write a letter and give an intro about myself and my family and then throw the gospel out there?? Today I got my answer through your website! Ain’t God good. I have printed everything off and may need you to help me design my logo once I have prayed about and see what to call it. Please pray for me during this time of decision and pray for my neighbors. I am so excited about this!

  4. Amy Lively

    Jane, I’m so glad God nudged you our way! I would love to pray with you, cheer you on and help you in any way as you explore new ways to love your neighbors using your unique passions and personality – whether you start a Cafe or a knitting circle. Please contact me anytime to share what’s on your heart,
    Love in Christ,


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