Neighborhood Map Draw a map of the homes closest to yours, next door and across the street and in your back yard. If you live in an apartment, these are the units beside, above and below you. On a farm, these homes could be acres away. Now, get out there and fill in...
Guest List Helps you remember who attends your Open House and follow up with each new friend. Download your free Guest List here! FreeGuest ListEnter your email address to instantly download a printable Guest List, and never forget a neighbor again! GET YOUR...
Snack Sign Up This simple sign up has several purposes: it makes things easier on the host, encourages ownership and commitment from Guests, and ensures everyone has something yummy for your Neighborhood Cafe. Download your free Snack Sign Up here! Free Snack...
Calendar WorksheetIt’s commitment time, Girlfriend! Use this worksheet to plan your Neighborhood Cafe. When will you start? When will you pass out invitations to your Open House? When will you gather again? Download the...
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