The Good Neighbor Prayer

The Good Neighbor Prayer

We don’t have to wonder how to be a good neighbor. Scripture is full of examples (commands, even!) we can follow on the streets around our home. The prayers in this free guide are straight from 1 Peter 4:7-11 with space to fill in your neighbor’s name....
Simple Invitation

Simple Invitation

Simple InvitationUse this invitation to invite one neighbor for a glass of lemonade, or the whole block for Game Night – it’s up to you! Download the...
Spiritual Gifts Survey

Spiritual Gifts Survey

Spiritual Gifts SurveyYou have gifts you may not even know about! Take your time answering and scoring this survey, but spend the most time praying about how you can use your gifts in your neighborhood. Perfect accompaniment to Chapter 7, Unwrapping Your Spiritual...
Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Map Draw a map of the homes closest to yours, next door and across the street and in your back yard. If you live in an apartment, these are the units beside, above and below you. On a farm, these homes could be acres away.  Now, get out there and fill in...
Guest List

Guest List

Guest ListHelps you remember who attends your Open House and follow up with each new friend. Download the...

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