Your cup of hope doesn’t have to stay empty.

We tend to think we’re stuck. But the truth is, encouragement and empowerment from Christian sisters helps.

  • Are you stuck in a negative mindset?
  • Are you trying to spend more time with the Lord, or is prayer and bible study time on the back burner?
  • Do you have tools and resources that will help you through your struggle?
  • Are you taking your thoughts captive and renewing your mind?
  • Have you pushed your people away when you’re sad and discouraged?

This September 18-22, I’m excited to be part of the speaker team for the free Radiant Resilience Virtual Summit where you’ll receive incredible tools, tips,  encouragement, and strategies to guide and empower you as you pursue joy, peace, fulfillment, and faith through life’s storms. My friend Wendy Wallace (the happiest, most positive, quadruple amputee I’ve ever met) is hosting – and trust me, she knows a thing or two about Radiant Resilience!  

The 25 speakers at this free online event are perfect examples of hope, perseverance, and strength.  And they will offer you just the encouragement that you need.  

Join us to talk about the topics of mindset, faith, abiding with Christ, tools for the struggle, taking your thoughts captive, relationships, and daily living.  Grab your FREE spot here!


  1. Wendy Wallace

    This event will be absolutely amazing! Thank you, Amy for being a huge part of it!❤️

    • Amy Lively

      Yes, it will, Wendy – it’s exciting to see how many wonderful godly speakers have come together! Thank you for inviting me to be part of it!


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