We moved into our home about four years ago. I have met all of my surrounding neighbors. I know them by name, but we only wave or say hello in passing. God has been cultivating several experiences in my life during the past several months leading up to this. I feel He is asking me to reach out in a deeper way to the ladies around me.

I have a new church home and have fellowship with the ladies there on Sunday mornings. My children are all in college now, but my house is far from empty nest just yet. I love to cook and my two primary spiritual gifts are teaching and encouraging.

Tracy's Story

I see all of these aligning for a perfect setting to allow the Lord to work through me in showing love to my neighbors.

I don’t know if any of my neighbors have faith in anything or perhaps attend somewhere regularly. I just don’t know. We haven’t had the opportunity to “talk” so these things could surface.

I am intending to actually have my first open house on a Saturday in September when all of my children are back in school. My biggest prayer request at this time is for the Lord to begin working in the hearts of my neighbors to be receptive to the invitation and for discernment about conversations. I certainly do not want to turn anyone off by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. I am a praying woman and I treasure the prayers of fellow saints.

Thank you for putting together such a helpful tool to women like myself who want to reach out to our neighbors and just need a little extra help. I am self-employed and a wife and mother. Need I say more? I found your website by googling “how to host a neighborhood tea party” or something to that effect.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement in this kingdom work. May God always be glorified in all we say and do.


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