When I (Sara) first started my neighborhood Bible study, I was very nervous and wanted a book to work through instead of writing my own lessons. I was shocked at how few studies are geared toward reaching women who are curious about Christ, but not yet following Him. Stumbling upon “Twelve Extraordinary Women” in my personal library, I decided to give it a shot.

Review & Recommendation

twelve extraordinary women“Twelve Extraordinary Women” by John MacArthur turned out to be a fantastic resource for my very first Bible study. We met for only six weeks, so I picked the six women whose stories could best connect with a spiritually diverse audience. I read the book myself, then took the main Bible passage from each chapter and made it the central focus of the lesson, with a few supporting quotes here and there from the author.

Women who knew very little about the Bible felt instantly connected to Eve, Sarah, Mary, and Ruth.  These women dealt with shame, and the fear of the unknown. Sarah could be a manipulative liar. Ruth felt like an outsider. But, as we dove into God’s love for these women in spite of their humanity, my neighbors felt free to open up about their own issues. They felt safe. They were in good company with these Extraordinary Women.


Through this book, I learned that the gospel is woven through every story in the Bible…you just need to look for it.


This is a great study for Women’s Ministry small groups and mature Christians. With a little tailoring it is a great starting point for Bible studies with women in various stages of a relationship with Christ.


They were ordinary, common, and in some cases shockingly low-caste, yet each was made extraordinary by her life-changing encounter with God. Readers will be challenged and motivated by Twelve Extraordinary Women, a poignant and personal look into the lives of some of the Bible’s most faithful women. Their struggles and temptations are the same trials faced by all believers at all ages. Inside this book, best-selling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur shows that the God to whom they were so committed is the same God who continues to mold and use ordinary people today.


Paperback: 240 pages, Kindle, Audible, Workbook also available.
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (2005)

Also Available

Parables Why Believe The Bible 12 Extraordinary Men

1 Comment

  1. Cindy in PA

    Thank you for your review and how you developed it into your 6 week Bible Study time-frame.


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