Hey How to Love Your Neighbor community! If you follow me around the interwebs, you know I’m a goal-setting fanatic. What can I say: without a goal, I’d just lay around all day eating popcorn. One of my 2017 goals was to create resources for women to help strengthen...
Warning: by living a “radical faith” you may start a mini-revolution in your neighborhood. As I read the charges from Christ in Matthew 25 to feed the hungry, to welcome the stranger, to clothe the poor, and visit those in prison, I begin to feel a sense of guilt. I...
Chaos. Pure chaos. You know what I’m talking about: papers all over the kitchen counter, donation bags still by the back door, and shoes missing their pair. Shannon Upton believes faithful moms don’t have to live in a chaotic state. The author of Building Your...
Before 10am there are already a list of things telling me I’m not enough. I am behind on laundry, I did not meet a work deadline and I choose to eat a donut rather than avocado toast for breakfast. To turn my insufficiencies around, I try harder. I people please. I...
This girl? This girl right here? She’s an answer to my prayers. For several months I’ve been asking (begging?) God to send me a helper, someone who loves Him and her neighbors like crazy… and just maybe has some experience with techie stuff and tools...
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