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Not My Will
“On the night He was betrayed...” That’s tonight. It’s now. Today is Maundy Thursday, the night of the Last Supper. The betrayal. Then Gethsemane. I've been wrecked by Gethsemane for more than a dozen years. I’ve read academic volumes and ancient texts, pored over scripture and actually prayed to be relieved of a burden for that Garden scene. While none of us can truly know what happened, my view is a little different.Not My Will by Amy LivelyJesus, what did you pray in the GardenOn the night...
How to Love Your Neighbor at College
This correspondence is from a new friend who's in college. Shared with her permission, here are some tips for how to love your neighbor when living in a relatively transient community like a college dorm room. Hi, Amy! This past summer, I worked at Spring Canyon, and met some of my very dearest friends, to include Rebecca. She mentioned your book to me, and I just finished reading it. Thank you for writing it! It’s wonderful. Do you have any specific tips for neighboring in a college dorm...
As Above, So Below
OK, so we've got this "love thy neighbor" thing down. It won't ever be mastered, but we get it. But what about the two other characters in the Greatest Commandments - God, and me? Jesus answered, “The most important [command] is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second [command] is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is...
The Cure for Insecurity
UPDATED January 26, 2018 I’m updating this important post from my friend Carrie Crawford, who spent her first day in heaven today. When her cancer returned this summer, she was bold and beautiful, ever encouraging each of us to “fully receive the love the Father has for you.” As you read her words (and hopefully, take her advice), please remember her husband, Jarrod, their three young sons, her parents Cheryl and Shawn, and all who loved her in your prayers. ORIGINALLY POSTED...
How to Love Your Marginalized Neighbor
Jesus yearned for the hearts of the marginalized—about the forgotten, isolated, shunned, and persecuted people. Throughout the Gospels and the totality of Scripture God’s heart for the people on the outskirts of society is evident. God incarnate—Jesus himself—was even an outcast. Jesus undeniably pursued the marginalized offering them healing and new life. But let’s be honest: it’s often incredibly uncomfortable and awkward. Hearing about God’s heart for the poor and marginalized was what drew...