Not My Will

by Apr 9, 2020

“On the night He was betrayed…”

That’s tonight. It’s now.

Today is Maundy Thursday, the night of the Last Supper. The betrayal. Then Gethsemane.

I’ve been wrecked by Gethsemane for more than a dozen years. I’ve read academic volumes and ancient texts, pored over scripture and actually prayed to be relieved of a burden for that Garden scene.

While none of us can truly know what happened, my view is a little different.

Not My Will

by Amy Lively

Jesus, what did you pray in the Garden
On the night you were betrayed?
Your disciples slept; instead, you wept
As Satan’s plans were laid.

Did you ask your Father for mercy
To stop this heinous plan?
Were you scared and terrified
In humanity, mere man?

Or did you intervene for those,
Not knowing what they do,
Who craved your blood and body
For vengeance, not for food?

Tenants who killed the only heir
Were threatened with destruction.
The parable now came to life,
The Cornerstone, rejected.


The One who mandates love like his
Always lives to intercede.
Sweating blood over their fate
Is a much more likely scene.

The Father up in heaven,
Countless angels round his throne,
Hears, “Leave me in this Garden.
You may only send me one.”

With great restraint and agony
God bids his legions not attack
The Son strips his robe a second time
And bares his unmarred back.

Tension wrests ‘tween wrath and love,
As the Father tests his Son.
Who didn’t cry out for himself,
He cried out for us alone.


  1. Donna Benedetto

    Amy, what a beautiful, deeply moving poem! I read it several times and it really drew me in. You were born to write that poem. I loved it and will treasure it always. Maybe you can write it out on a half a sheet of paper, and beautifully format it with some artwork so we can print it out and put it in our Bibles and share it?

  2. Lorilee Mundfrom

    Beautiful. Thank you for the reminder of what Jesus went through!


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