Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope

Manuscript Development Team

Manuscript Development Team

I need your help. I am forming a Manuscript Development Team for my new book, tentatively titled Hope Fully, which will be published by Kregel Publications. "Hope Fully" shows how pain and suffering are transformed into hope and purpose through a study of 1...

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How to Hope Fully When “Hopefully” Fails

How to Hope Fully When “Hopefully” Fails

For just a few seconds, I almost forgot. I almost forgot the pandemic that infected us with disease and death, fear and worry. I almost forgot the grieving families, courageous caregivers, exhausted essential workers, anxious unemployed, and the lonely neighbor I...

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Do It Scared

Do It Scared

I've knocked on hundreds of my neighbors' doors to invite total strangers into my home for an Open House followed by a women's Bible study. And I've been scared every single time. It does get easier, but it's never easy. Sure, I'm an extrovert, but I fear rejection...

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Hope Less

Hope Less

In uncertain seasons of personal crisis, cultural chaos, or global catastrophe, we wonder if life will ever be the same. Have you ever gazed into your foggy “new normal” and felt hopeless, lost, dazed, or despairing? Or maybe it's just me? Here's a surprising way to...

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How to Have Hope at Christmas

How to Have Hope at Christmas

We’ve heard the Christmas story a million times, but if we read it with fresh eyes and soft hearts we just might find ourselves in this magical tale. It begins in Israel: When Herod was king of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zechariah. He was a member of the...

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Advent Devotional

Advent Devotional

Did you know there was 400 years of silence between the end of the Old Testament and the nativity story? Yet Luke 1:10 tells us that “a great crowd stood outside, praying” as a priest named Zechariah did his duties at the temple. The people had been praying for 400...

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