Manuscript Development Team

I need your help.

I am forming a Manuscript Development Team for my new book, tentatively titled Hope Fullywhich will be published by Kregel Publications.

“Hope Fully” shows how pain and suffering are transformed into hope and purpose through a study of 1 Peter.
Peter will teach us how to set aside our hopeless fears or hopeful fantasies and set our hope fully in God’s faithfulness. 

Here’s how it works: The Manuscript Development Team will receive a rough draft of Hope Fully a couple of chapters at a time, and answer a handful of questions about the text in an anonymous survey. We’re looking for what works, what doesn’t, what could be cut, and what could benefit from further explanation. Our focus is the book’s organization, flow, and pace (not line-by-line editing) so I can find and fix any problematic sections of the book before it goes to print.

If you’re a writer yourself, you’ll get a peek into the creative process and the publishing industry. If you’re a reader, you’ll get the satisfaction of helping launch a road-tested, warrior-approved, Kingdom-worthy book into the world. (And prizes—did I mention there will be prizes?)

The Team will run from March 7 – May 28 in a private Facebook Group where we’ll post updates each week. You’ll have about two weeks to read the chapters that will be posted in the group and complete a brief online survey. Since we know everyone is busy and life happens, we would be so grateful if you could give feedback at least half the time.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and thank you for considering this opportunity.

To apply to be on the Manuscript Development Team for Hope Fully, please complete the application below. There are no special qualifications needed, but the application helps us gather some needed information. 

I have already been praying for you!

Hope Fully

These are the moments when our faith in God collides with real life and crises pile up like cars on an icy interstate.

When life as we know it is upended and interrupted, we grope through the ambiguity like a car with a burned-out headlight.

We drift between the lanes of dark hopelessness and dim hopefulness…


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