Love Your Neighbor Challenge

#12: Write

Love Your Neighbor Challenge

Today’s Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to write a letter or card and send it to a neighbor. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to send a lasting note with words of encouragement, gratitude, or kindness. This easy gesture shows your neighbor they are noticed, cared for, and thought of by someone close by.

Pick up a card at a local store, or see what you can create at home. Bonus points if your kids help!

Online designs 

  • American Greetings: Share printable encouragement cards that are fun for everyone! Post them to Facebook, or print them right from your computer.
  • Pic Monkey: Upload your own photo or play with one of theirs, adding text and effects to create a custom card.
  • Canva: Canva provides countless greeting card layouts you can customize. Photos are free or as little as $1.
  • Hallmark Cards lets you customize and mail beautiful greeting cards from their website.

Get crafty

  • Pinterest is loaded with cute cards you can make at home with supplies you may even have on hand.
  • HGTV offers videos and tutorials on making cards for every occasion.


Animated eCards that arrive via email are always fun, but call ahead or send a personal message to let your neighbor know it’s coming so they don’t think it’s spam.

  • JibJab cards always get a laugh when you insert your face into their cartoons.
  • Blue Mountain has free ecards for sweet sentiments, big smiles, and cool animations.

If you’ve followed along with the Love Your Neighbor Challenge, you’ve seen your neighbors in a whole new light. You’ve prayed with them and for them—by name! You’ve given them gifts and spoken words of encouragement. You’ve helped them (and accepted help), you’ve hosted them in your home. You’ve shared a meal and shouldered a load, recognized a mom and comforted a widow. My prayer is that you have experienced the joy and blessing from loving your neighbor, and that your neighbors have been touched by the love of Christ expressed through you.

“Love your neighbor. You don’t have to be weird. I promise, the reward is worth the risk.”
How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird

Follow the Love Your Neighbor Challenge on Facebook or Instagram! 

If these tips and tools have given you a new idea, if you’ve met a new neighbor or thought about your neighbors in a different way, would you please let me know?

Contact me or message me on Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear your stories!

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