Neighborhood Cafe

Praise & Coffee Magazine Features Neighborhood Cafe

Praise & Coffee Magazine Features Neighborhood Cafe

Make a cup of coffee. Click this link. Now you're ready for a delightful time reading the Spring 2013 issue of Praise and Coffee Magazine! Flip to page 36 to read about the first Neighborhood Cafe. I hope you'll find assurance that we don't have to be perfect before...

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Guest Post: Mending Fences

Guest Post: Mending Fences

This beautiful gal is Rivera Douthit, a new friend I met at the She Speaks Intensive conference. I was honored when she asked me to write a guest post on her blog. Please visit her beautiful site to enjoy "grace[full] conversations" about restoration, healing, and...

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What Scares You About Neighborhood Ministry?

What Scares You About Neighborhood Ministry?

I used to feel guilty about Christ’s command to love my neighbors, because I didn't even even know most of the people living around me. I argued with God, "I don’t have time to make new friends! Besides, won't they think I'm a freak? And I’m not sure if You’ve seen...

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More Info, Please

More Info, Please

I love the little "More Info" buttons on websites. I'm usually the one who clicks to find out all the details, because I need all the information I can get before I make a decision. Moses asked God for "More Info," too. You'll find his request in Exodus 33:12-13....

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My One Word: Seek

My One Word: Seek

So… it's February already. How are those New Year's Resolutions working out for you (no pun intended, if one of yours was to spend more time at the gym)? "If you're like most people, each January goes something like this: You choose a problematic behavior that has...

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Welcome Readers!

Welcome Readers!

Thanks for linking over to The Neighborhood Cafe from my friends at! If you’re a Women’s Ministry leader in your church, I hope you enjoyed today’s Tip of the Week called “5 Ways to Grow Your Women’s Ministry.”

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Espresso Mini-Magazine

Espresso Mini-Magazine

"What will we talk about?" This is usually the third question a Neighborhood Cafe Hostess asks me, right after, "Can I really do this" and "What am I thinking?!" The Espresso mini-magazine was written exclusively for the Neighborhood Cafe to answer this question. Most...

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Let’s try something new

Let’s try something new

My neighborhood doesn’t have a café. Does yours? We don’t borrow cups of sugar over our picket fences or sit and chat on wide front porches. In fact, after several years in my neighborhood, I only knew a couple of my neighbors. Makes it kinda’ hard to do that “love...

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Start a Facebook Group for Your Neighborhood Cafe

Start a Facebook Group for Your Neighborhood Cafe

Guests at your Neighborhood Café can connect in a private Facebook Group where you can communicate and share in a safe, secure and convenient online community. How To Create A Facebook Group for your Neighborhood Cafe From your home page, go to the Groups section on...

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God on the move in Texas

God on the move in Texas

My dear friend, Judy Patterson with, drove four hours round trip to support me at the Common Grounds Cafe at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. On the long drive home Judy prayed about how she might become more involved with her neighbors....

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