“What will we talk about?”
This is usually the third question a Neighborhood Cafe Hostess asks me, right after, “Can I really do this” and “What am I thinking?!” The Espresso mini-magazine was written exclusively for the Neighborhood Cafe to answer this question.
Most Bible studies are written by Christians, for Christians, about how to be a Christian.
A Neighborhood Cafe gathering in your home is different. Only one in five of your neighbors goes to church, and those who do attend many different denominations. The typical home on your street owns three Bibles, but its pages are rarely cracked open. Your neighbors probably don’t speak “Christianese” around their dinner tables, so phrases like “the Lord laid it on my heart” or “having my devotions” or “let’s pray about that” sound foreign.
Espresso is different from traditional Bible study curriculum. It’s tiny, so it’s not intimidating. The articles progress from light getting-to-know-you icebreakers to deeper discussions about faith and friendship. I’ve tried to remove churchy language that might put off our unchurched neighbors, and explained religious references we assume “everyone” knows.
You’ll be delighted to welcome the contributing writers into your living room. I am forever indebted to these women I met at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference. I’d like to introduce you to…
Espresso Contributing Writers

Amy D. Ward
Amy Ward lives in Columbus, GA with her husband of 26 years, Rob. They have two adult sons and a daughter-in-love. Amy is real about life’s ups and downs, including her battle with breast cancer in 2010. Amy’s article addresses the fears women may have about coming to a Neighborhood Cafe, as well as the joys that await them at your front door. www.amydward.com.
Michelle S. Lazurek is a pastor’s wife, mother, speaker and writer. She writes about the seasons of friendship in a candid article that includes a suggested community service project in the Leader’s Guide. Learn about Michelle at www.michellelazurek.com and Writer’s Tapestry: Where Life and Writing Intertwine.

Amy Lively
Amy Lively (that’s me!) is a teacher, writer, speaker, pastor and marketing consultant. I host a Neighborhood Café in my home and it’s my joy to help other women do the same. My article is my testimony of a former pagan turned passionate follower. I live in Central Ohio with my husband of 22 years, David, and our teenage daughter, Emma. You can learn more about me here.

Mary R. Snyder
Mary R Snyder – who describes herself as slightly frazzled, but seriously blessed – is a comedian, speaker and author of “God, Grace, and Girlfriends: Adventures in Faith & Friendship.” Her article will will give you a sigh of relief as well as a smile as she writes about lessons learned in the trenches. Catch up with Mary at her blog, www.MaryRSnyder.com.
Twelve full-color, high-quality copies of Espresso and a Leader’s Guide are now included in the Neighborhood Cafe Kit at no additional charge! The Leader’s Guide is packed with suggested Scriptures, icebreakers, community service projects and more discussion questions. Espresso also makes a nice gift for your neighbors or women in your church.
I’m so excited to have had the opportunity to write that piece for Espresso and I pray God uses the material you gathered and combined in a mighty way to reach many for His kingdom.
Your work paid off! It’s a beautiful piece and I’d say that even if I wasn’t one of the writers. Cross my heart! : )