Wendy BlightGot your book handy? Inside the front cover is an endorsement from my friend Wendy Blight, Proverbs 31 speaker and author:

“Amy knows God has given each of us a corner of the world to share the love of Jesus and the hope found in His Word. Her book equips women, spiritually and practically, to answer this call and open their hearts and homes to friends and neighbors.”


Now turn to page 27…

“…one of the speakers uttered three little words that made my heart race— and as soon as I heard her say ‘neighborhood Bible study,’ I knew what I was going to do…”

How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird (p. 27). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Wendy was the inspiration for the neighborhood Bible study I started in my home that became The Neighborhood Cafe that made this book possible.

As if Wendy hasn’t already blessed me enough, today she’s featuring a wonderful GIVEAWAY of my book and a whole bundle of goodies on her blog.

Enter to win at www.wendyblight.com, and while you’re there read a free chapter of Wendy’s latest book, Living So That!


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