Hope Fully Poem
As I was praying about teaching the book if 1 Peter during the pandemic, these words jumped off the page –
Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:13
Hope. Fully.
Not the wistful adverb “hopefully” but two separate words, with just enough space between them to let God’s power enter in. Loosely following 1 Peter 1, this poem pulls weak modifiers apart so we can fully experience our need, Christ’s salvation, and our hope in Him.

Fully restored after so many failures,
Peter writes to exiles abroad –
Scattered in their suffering, yet
Fully seen by Father God
Fully cleansed by Holy Spirit
Fully yielded to the Son
Pain fully His blood shed
Need fully on your head
Grace fully multiplied
Peace fully amplified
Mercy fully in His breath
Bounty fully in His death
Bliss fully in salvation
Glee fully kept in heaven
Power fully guards our souls
Master fully all He holds
Meaning fully hidden, cloaked
Insight fully undisclosed
Suspense fully moments tense
Success fully pass each test
Faith fully fired, tried
Doubt fully gone, destroyed
Beauty fully in His scars
Joy fully consumes our words
Care fully searched agendas
Wonder fully like the angels
Stress fully in our anguish
Force fully in our weakness
Plenty fully we find strength
Tact fully in restraint
Mind fully calm and bright
Glory fully brought to light
Purpose fully armed for deeds
Wish fully trusting Thee
Will fully become holy
Help fully bring Him glory
Lust fully for His ways
Duty fully we obey
Forget fully sin’s broad road
Trust fully precious blood
Fear fully reverent, awed
Respect fully knees bowed
Dread fully in our demise
Woe fully at gravesides
Fit fully for quick death
Rest fully in this oath:
Fully Man, our Christ was killed
Fully God, He Himself healed
Fruit fully now we live
Fate fully sealed in Him
Heed fully tiny spaces
Thought fully they do make
Truth fully to remind us:
Hope fully just in Jesus

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