Oh, what a difference a space makes.

Hope Fully: How to Turn Uncertain Times into a Surprisingly Hopeful New Normal shows how pain and suffering are transformed into hope and purpose through a study of 1 Peter. Along with his wife, Peter will teach us how to pry apart our hopeless or hopeful feelings and set our hope fully in God’s faithfulness.

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your HOPE FULLY on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

When pain and problems barge in, our hopes and dreams march out.

Unwelcome trials and troubles knock on our door like uninvited guests, and our happiness, peace, and security pack their bags. In uncertain seasons of personal crisis, national chaos, or global catastrophe, we wonder if life will ever be the same. Catchy Bible verses aren’t enough to light the way, and we flicker between hopeless fears and hopeful fantasies.

This. Changes. Everything.

Where do we go to get our “old normal” back?

The apostle Peter knows what it’s like when all your hope is gone. He watched as his hope was arrested, crucified, and buried, and Peter publicly failed every test of his faith. Peter—and his elusive, unnamed wife—also know that God relieves our harshest suffering and redeems our heaviest regret. They will show us how to separate our hopeless or hopeful emotions and set our hope fully in Christ alone. The tiny space between these words is where God’s power enters in!

Bible teacher, author, and speaker Amy Lively guides us through this couple’s beautiful story in the powerful book of 1 Peter. With her gentle honesty and just the right amount of humor, Amy will help you see that when you’re at the end of the world as you know it, you’re only at the beginning of Jesus.


This. Changes. Everything!

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The mission of Hope Fully is to help the reader apply 1 Peter principles to life’s pain. Working sequentially through the five chapters of this small but mighty letter, the reader will learn to:


  • Express what she feels, identify what is real through the filter of God’s Word, then wisely determine how to deal with her challenges
  • Reframe anxiety and uncertainty into hope and purpose using a prayer that never fails
  • Make sense of pain that seems endless and pointless by understanding God’s timing and intention
  • React to chaos and confusion with a calm, clear-headed, Christlike response
  • Apply five simple and effective coping strategies to create her own “new normal” when her world is turned upside down
  • Shed the shame of past mistakes as she learns to share her story for God’s glory

Each chapter takes the reader one step further on her journey as hardships and hurts threaten to detour her hope. She gains traction as she shifts from a temporal to eternal perspective, then yields her controlling grip to trust in God’s happy ending. Her behavior changes as she practices specific commands from 1 Peter. Soon she is striving for holiness instead of happiness as she lives for God’s will, not her own—then she shouts her story for God’s glory as others are compelled to come along for the joy ride of their lives.

Hope Fully will be published by Kregel Publications in 2023. Amy is represented by Blythe Daniel of The Blythe Daniel Agency

Hope Fully Scripture Passages

Begin Here

Second Cup

Read Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:7–12, and Matthew 6:25–34


Chapter 1: Heaven and the Here-and-Now

Lesson 1: Say Hello to Simon Peter

Read 1 Peter 1:1–5


Second Cup

Feeling about situation Fact about God
Psalm 13:1-2 Psalm 13:5-6
Psalm 35:17 Psalm 35:27
Psalm 74:9-11 Psalm 74:12-17
Psalm 94:3-7 Psalm 94:9-11
Psalm 119:82-84 Psalm 119:86-88

Lesson 2: Rejoice! Wait. What?

Read 1 Peter 1:6–12, 20–21


Second Cup

Psalm 90:1-17

2 Peter 3:8-9

Lesson 3: Hope Fully

Read 1 Peter 1:13


Second Cup

Hebrews 11:1

Lesson 4: O Thou, Remember the Lord

Read 1 Peter 1:13-19


Second Cup

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Lesson 5: Michelle's Story

Read 1 Peter 1:22–25

Chapter 2: Just Like Jesus

Lesson 1: The Chosen (St)one

Lesson 2: Living Stones

Lesson 3: The Stones Cry Out

Lesson 4: And Chosen to Suffer

Lesson 5: Kelly's Story

Chapter 3: How to Handle an Unholy Mess

Chapter 4: Before and After

Chapter 5: How to Survive the End of the World

Chapter 6: Your Story for God’s Glory

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