You’ve likely prayed for the neighborhoods in Joplin, Missouri from afar, along with the rest of the country. But Wanda Shellenbarger, Women’s Ministry Consultant for the Missouri Baptist Convention, lives only 16 miles from Joplin; she personally lost two dear friends in the May 22 tornado that pummeled her community. So many of the women are having great difficulty dealing with the loss of everything: home, cars, all their belongings. Many no longer have jobs because businesses were destroyed by the tornado.  Many lost family and children in the storm. 157 people have died as a result of the tornado.

A reminder of easier days in Joplin, Missouri. Photo courtesy of Gerry True,

Wanda has a heart to minister to the women and girls affected by this tragedy–and she’s been perfectly positioned to play a part in the reconstruction of their hearts as well as their homes.

“God has opened the door to witness and minister to so many people as a result of the storms.” Wanda writes, “Isn’t it just like our precious Lord to take something so devastating and use it for His glory?”

FEMA is bringing in over 500 trailers for people who lost their homes in the tornado. 350 of these temporary homes are going to be placed on acreage just outside Wanda’s neighborhood. “The Lord began working on my heart and began to speak to me about the opportunity of having so many women and girls that are going to be located so close in a relatively small area. What an AMAZING opportunity He’s dropping into our laps for ministry.”

Two women who’ve attended Wanda’s Bible study for the past five years were left homeless by the tornado. They are on FEMA’s list to be the first ones in the trailer park. “Isn’t God something, to place these ladies in that new area so we can use their living rooms to do Bible study!” said Wanda. “I loved the look of the Neighborhood Cafe–so cute and inviting for women, AND, best of all, I loved the Bible study topics that I read about.  I think it could be a wonderful opportunity to bring many women and girls to the Lord.  I’m praying and working with other women in our church and we’re so excited to get this started we can hardly wait!”

There is a potential for 1,000 to 1,200 women and girls to be housed in the trailers, which will start arriving at the end of July. Please, please pray for the women and girls of Joplin, and please lift up Wanda and her team as they seek the Lord’s leadership in reaching out through neighborhood Bible studies.

I’ve prayed for Joplin, Missouri from afar, along with the rest of the country. But Wanda Shellenbarger, Women’s Ministry Consultant for the Missouri Baptist Convention, lives only 16 miles from Joplin; she personally lost two dear friends in the May 22 tornado that pummeled her community. So many of the women are having great difficulty dealing with the loss of everything: home, cars, all their belongings. Many no longer have jobs because businesses were destroyed by the tornado.  Many lost family and children in the storm. 157 people have died as a result of the tornado.


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