Share the love in your neighborhood by accepting the Love Your Neighbor Challenge!

The challenge progressively takes you closer to your neighbor day by day. Wrapped in prayer, you’ll take small steps toward a deeper relationship with the people God has placed around you. 

Your goal is to make natural connections that can lead to spiritual conversations.

Each challenge features innovative ideas complete with suggested scripts, online tools, and adaptations for both introverts and extroverts.

Each tip costs absolutely nothing to do (like praying for your neighbors or delivering a compliment) or is very inexpensive and affordable (like printing a card or sharing a cup of tea). The tools are suitable for all generations, from children to seniors.

These are simple, effective and powerful ways you and your family can show a neighbor you care.

Take a tip and make it your own, adapt it for your personality and community, your schedule and your family’s vibe.

Take your time and settle in to love your neighbor for the long haul.

Now get ready to love your neighbor in a whole new, never-weird way.

Let us know how it goes! Comment here or on the daily social posts.

Let’s get going, our neighbors are waiting!

Follow the Love Your Neighbor Challenge on Facebook or Instagram! 

If these tips and tools have given you a new idea, if you’ve met a new neighbor or thought about your neighbors in a different way, would you please let me know?

Contact me or message me on Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear your stories!

#1: Pray

#1: Pray

Of course, the first Love Your Neighbor Challenge begins with prayer - in fact, we couldn't call...

read more
#2: Map

#2: Map

When you visualize your neighborhood, Jesus’ ginormous command to love the whole, wide world...

read more


  1. Sharon

    You are so inspiring Amy. I’ve had this thought of how can I reach out to the women in my neighborhood more than I have been. The winter months are difficult to do that but Spring, Summer and Fall are the best for me. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I cherish your ideas and want to apply them to my neighborhood and whomever I meet in the “market place.”

    • Amy Lively

      Sharon – A polar vortex, blizzard or freezing rain sure do make it hard to be neighborly! We have the same challenge here in Ohio. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Please tell me your stories about the people you meet in your neighborhood and about town! And if you’d like to join the launch team, please fill out the application at the end of this post:

      I’d love to have you on our team!

  2. Sharon

    Regarding yesterday’s post you made about praying for our neighbors, I went to pray4everyhome and printed out the names of my neighbors. I told my husband about this and he was excited. A few years ago, we invited some neighbors over for a cookout. Two of the families showed up. it was a start. But, when he saw this, he became excited with me. We took a walk in our neighborhood yesterday on our snowy street and began to pray for them. We saw a widow lady out shoveling her drive and talked with her asking if she needed help. She was shoveling a bit to get her tractor out to do the rest. After our walk, my husband went back with his shovel to help her. She was reluctant at first, but he pressed on to help. Her tractor wasn’t working anyway. So glad one of us was able to help her. It’s so funny though. My husband asked her name and chatted with her, and by the time he got back to the house, he couldn’t remember her name. So funny. She is not on our list either since it’s too far down the road. We want to plan this summer a walk/run/bike race in our neighborhood with a cookout to follow. We tried last year to get this going but it fizzled out. We will try again.

    • Amy Lively

      Having your husband as a prayer partner (and snow shoveler!) is a blessing! Try the links in today’s post to figure out your neighbor’s name (especially White Pages and local government sites). Your persistence in your neighborhood will pay off! Relationships are a long-term process, not a one-time project. The summer race/cookout sounds like a lot of fun! Love that idea!

      • Sharon

        I was agree that it’s not a one-time project. I will take your advice and try to find her name. If I see her on my walk today, I can ask how she’s doing and get her name again. Thanks Amy!


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