Craft supplies and candy are taking over the family room as we put together invitations for the Open House I’m hosting for my neighbors for my Neighborhood Cafe, which is called the Rosewood Neighborhood Cafe since we live on Rosewood Drive. Here’s a peek at the process:
This red and white candy looks good with the invitations. I bought it in bulk from Giant Eagle for around $3 a pound.
We put 5-6 pieces of candy in these clear cello bags from Hobby Lobby. They were $1.99 for 48 bags and I had a 40% coupon. I trimmed an inch off the top using scalloped scissors because they were a little too tall.

Curling ribbon is used to tie the bags of candy onto the invitation ($1.99 for 100 yards – plenty!). We punched a hole in each invitation and left long loops on the bow so the invitation can be hung on a doorknob if no one is home.
This is the hard part – now comes the fun part: actually passing them out!
Hi Amy!
I just passed mine out the other day and they turned out so cute with some of your ideas! My daugher helped me do some creative computer work and we put a colored background and a cute clipart coffee cup and muffin picture in the bottom corner. I then cut them out and glued the invite to brown card stock, punched two holes in the side and attached a tea bag with orange ribbon.
It made going to the door so much easier having a cute invite! THe homes I went to the women were very receptive. It was MUCH easier than the first time I did this! My group starts back on Sept. 13th. Pray for me!
Cindy (Devotion, Prayer and Coffee)
Cindy, the invitation you emailed me is adorable! It is so much easier when you have something in hand to give women when they open the door. I met a dozen more neighbors today, and only one (nicely) refused to open the door. Praying for you on the 13th, please pray for me on the 10th! Love ya!