Women’s Ministry, Titus 2 Style

by Amy Lively

This article was originally published in the July 7, 2010 “Tip of the Week” newsletter from womensministry.net, a publication of Jennifer Rothschild Ministries.

In the first article in this series, we were introduced to the first ever women’s ministry along with the apostle Paul’s guidelines for the making of a woman in leadership. This week, we continue by identifying a list of qualities from Titus 2 that should show up in any woman who leads other women.

6.  Dignified.  She doesn’t wear a sparkling tiara, but she sparkles like a jewel in Christ’s crown. A dignified woman knows who she is in Christ.

7. Sensible.  Forget sensible shoes, a leader keeps her senses and exercises self-control over desires and impulses (including impulses to purchase un-sensible shoes, even on sale!).

8. Faithful.  She must be firm in her beliefs about Christ and unshakable in her convictions about God’s sovereignty and goodness.

9. Loving.  As Christ loved her, she loves others with tenderness, sacrifice and kindness.

10. Patient.   She endures all things with perseverance and diligence, and her stick-to-itiveness inspires hope in others.

Building a qualified team of women’s ministry leaders will build up your church as you glorify God together!


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