I live on five acres on the side of a mountain. You can’t see my front porch from the street. My husband and I have busy jobs, and our family lives out of state. We never had kids. We’re from the northeast. And as if all that isn’t enough…

We. Are. Introverts.

Not the need-a-little-quiet-time kind. The total-silence-for-a-5-hour-car-ride-and-it’s-okay kind.

Introversion is defined by Myers-Briggs as “getting energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside one’s head. Preferring to do things alone or with one or two people. Taking time to reflect to have a clear idea before acting.”

Introverts are often seen as “reflective” or “reserved,” feel comfortable being alone, know just a few people well.

A cup of coffee on the deck. A quiet evening at home. An afternoon working in the yard. These are the activities that call to us after a long work week.

Neighboring for Introverts1

So, that big commandment of loving your neighbor. That’s a tough one for us.

But Jesus didn’t say, “Love your neighbor if you’re Southern,” or “Love your neighbor if your kids play well together,” or “Love your neighbors if you’re an extrovert.”

There are no caveats to this commandment. “The command to love our neighbors lies at the core of God’s plan for our lives, and when we follow this mandate, it changes everything” (Art of Neighboring). This is true for introverts, too.

But how?

My God-created temperament is never an excuse for not following God’s command.

Those three truths are not contradictory. Instead, this is an area where I must depend on Him and the promises of scripture. His grace is sufficient for me. His mercies are new every morning. I can do all things through Christ.

In His lovingkindness toward me, He sees my introversion and generously gives me the wisdom to know how to love my neighbors within my temperament.

Start your journey resting in that truth.

In Part 2, we’ll talk about some ways introverts can love their neighbors.

Guest post by Heather Fignar


  1. Joan Duncheskie

    This is me! I’m an introvert and my daughter is an introvert and mother is an introvert and my husband is an introvert. So good to know we are not alone and that our type is needed too. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone over the years by cultivating an interest in people. I’m less comfortable in speaking to a large group. But speaking one on one to a perfect stranger is now comfortable for me. God’s call on my heart is bigger than the fears that are in my mind. 🙂

    • Heather

      Joan, I love that you’ve found a solution that is comfortable for you. And I also love your sentiment, ” God’s call on my heart is bigger than the fears that are in my mind.” There is so much truth and wisdom in that statement.



  1. Neighboring for Introverts, Part 2 | The Neighborhood Café - […] Part 1 of Neighboring for Introverts, I talked about the difficult truth that I – an extreme introvert –…

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