WM Video

“Why Should I Journal?” video and free download of journaling resources at WomensMinistry.net

Thanks for clicking over from the Tip of the Week newsletter from WomensMinistry.net! If you watched the video, you learned how we can use journaling to remember our past, recall our present and get ready for the exciting future God has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10).

I can still find the page in my pink, sparkly journal filled with ideas that eventually became The Neighborhood Cafe. If you sense God is preparing you to love your neighbors in a whole new way, you’re in the right place! The Neighborhood Cafe provides everything you need to share “Coffee, Conversation & Christ” with your neighbors in your home.

Neighborhood Cafe Bible StudyDuring the month of August, receive a free Neighborhood Cafe Bible Study

with the purchase of a Cafe Kit.

Click here to share “Coffee, Conversation & Christ” today!

We even have resources to help churches implement neighborhood ministry throughout the community! You will find tips, tools and techniques you can adapt to your personality and the unique needs of your neighborhood.


  1. Penny Sprinkle

    Hi Amy! I am interested in receiving a free NEIGHBORHOOD CAFE BIBLE STUDY! How do I go about this!

    I have been to your site several times and have wondered about your program. I would like to share it with my WM team and see if they think it is something our church women might be interested in!

    Thanks and God Bless your ministry!

    Penny Sprinkle


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