The first time I ran, I thought I would die. Literally die. It was the longest two minutes of my life. After months of training and hours of effort, I moved from my couch to a 5K—and believe me, I loved my comfy couch!

My running club keeps me going. Their text messages start each evening after dinner to confirm the morning meeting time—always before dawn, before the birds (and hungry children) are stirring. Without these women by my side, I could not run as far or as fast. Without them, I would still be running aimlessly—if I was still running at all.

My training paid off last weekend when I ran 16.7 miles as part of an amazing and inspiring relay team that covered 107 miles in 19 hours and 31 minutes. Our Captain, Vicky, rode her bike all night long to accompany each runner on dark trails lit only by lightening bugs. As the slowest runner on the team who hogged a disproportionate number of minutes and ran significantly slower than my estimated pace, I am so grateful for the gracious, encouraging and supportive women on my team.

So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.

I Corinthians 9:26 NLT

I ran 163 miles in the last four months training for this event, but here’s what get’s me: I’ve lost about two pounds. I may have lost a couple of inches on my wrists or earlobes, but nothing where it counts. I’m still wearing the same clothes I wore last summer. It feels like I’ve been shadowboxing—hitting the air, pounding the pavement, without achieving the results I expected.

Want to know what’s missing in my training regime? Food. Say it isn’t so! But I know it, and next week I’m getting serious about sensible eating in a new small group focused on glorifying God in the way we eat, move and think. I’m tired of running in circles.

Have you ever shadowboxed a goal, taking a couple of stabs in the air but never landing a solid blow? Have you ever danced around a dream? Has God ever planted an idea in your heart, but you could not get it into your head or out through your hands?

Something like, oh… loving your neighbors?

When I first had the idea to invite my neighbors over for coffee, I shadowboxed around it for months. I had every excuse in the book, and they were all legitimate. I made a couple of runs at getting to know my neighbors, but it was hard work that took a long time to show results. Over time I learned to prepare my heart as I prepared my home. Through my failures and God’s success, I created The Neighborhood Cafe to help you connect with your neighbors, too.

If you’re ready to run with purpose to the front porches of the women God has carefully placed around your home, I would love to help. I’ll be your cheerleader and your prayer partner. I’ll help you understand what’s missing in your neighborhood ministry, and together we’ll create a plan to help you share the love of Christ in your home.

You won’t get a medal, but you will get an eternal prize.

Send me a text. Let’s get started!


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