Significant Woman Podcast

The Significant Women podcast is full of personal stories, dynamic hope, and sage wisdom from women who have gleaned all that they can from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. They aren’t significant because of their fame or success…they are significant because Jesus is in the details of their lives.

Join the conversation as I sat down with Carol McLeod to share my story of coming back to faith and answering God’s call in my life. We talked about how The Neighborhood Cafe inspires and empowers many to connect with your neighbors in a hopeful and practical way. We talked about my first book, How to Love Your Neighbors without Being Weird, which lays the groundwork for how to venture out of the comfort of your living room and into the lives of your neighbors in order to form authentic friendships, create a safer community, and find fulfillment in obeying Christ’s #2 command.

And of course we talked about how Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope? gives us faith for hard times. Listen in!

What’s your biggest fear about loving your neighbor? Drop a note in the comments, and we’ll overcome it together!


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