Most Christians have heard of the term “spiritual discipline” which usually conjures up thoughts of hours alone meditating on Scripture and praying. Growing up, I had a Sunday School teacher who would call my house in the middle of the week to ask how my Bible reading was going. I was around twelve years old and was too busy dancing to Britney Spears to have time to read my Bible.
Thankfully, Caller ID existed and I dodged her calls… only answering every fourth time so she wouldn’t think I was a total heathen. I was shamed into reading my Bible so, I didn’t do it for God or myself but out of fear of what people thought.
Who was I reading the Bible for? Was it for those bible study leaders who would “check up” up on me? Was it to better myself? Or was it for God’s acceptance?
It was none of those things.
My Bible reading time was for me to know more of God’s character and allow the knowledge of Him to fill me with worship.
It was God alone who changed me. He is my motivation for reading the Bible.
Recently though, I found myself muddled in my motivation for reading the Bible. It had become about feeding myself again FOR the benefit of me. Can I read my Bible just enough so that people will think well of me? My son is just a baby but doesn’t he need to witness that my faith is important to me? Me. Me. Me. How does God Word’s benefit me and people’s perceptions of me?
Graciously, the Spirit entered (like he always does), shifting my perception and my heart towards God’s view of time spent in the Bible…
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