A Place to Belong Lisa TroyerReview &  Recommendation

So many women today are searching for a place to belong….for that true circle of friends that provides companionship, encouragement, and acceptance without the fear of being judged or losing a friend. Lisa Troyer challenges the reader and her circle of friends to get out of their comfort zone and become more willing to share their stories with others. By becoming more transparent, women will begin to discover their own ministry right within their circle and will ultimately find healing through God’s word.  This book is a great book to consider for to begin own Neighborhood Café group or other small bible study group.  




Looking for “a place to belong”? Find it in a community of women fostering relationships through authenticity, affirmation and accountability—find it in the Circle of Friends. Your outlook will never be the same as you explore the ministry potential of a dynamic group of “women helping women,” and catch their vision to be women committed to Jesus Christ, obediently seeking God’s will, and fulfilling their life mission as Christ-followers.



  • Paperback: 256 pages, eBook also available
  • Publisher: Barbour Books (September 1, 2011)



To receive your free digital copy of Lisa’s book please contact us at lisa@ourcircleoffriends.org.

If you are interested in establishing a Circle of Friends group in your community, please let us know. We’d be happy to help you give other women a place to belong in a circle of friends. You can also tune into our daily radio program. Circle of Friends airs each weekday at 10:30 AM on thelight959.com.

Join daily hosts Beth Beechy and Missy Horsfall, as well as Lisa Troyer, Dawn Yoder and special guest authors, leadership experts and community influencers.


Also available…

Come as Your Are DevotionalCome as You Are And Find a Place to Belong Devotional by Lisa Troyer

A great little devotional that challenges the reader to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings;  while at the same time discovering the message of hope that leads to a deeper love and understanding of God.  I would recommend this book to any woman hungry to discover a true authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.


How to Love Your Neighbor Reviews & Recommendations

When you think about starting a Neighborhood Cafe women’s Bible study – or simply inviting one neighbor to read a book with you – it’s hard to know where to start.

Most Bible studies are written by Christians, for Christians, about how to be a better Christian.

The key is to find a resource that speaks to believers as well as unbelievers. We review titles we find to be appropriate, interesting and engaging for women at all stages of their faith – or no faith at all!

These books are available at your local bookstore or favorite online retailer. Links to retailers are not affiliate links, and How to Love Your Neighbor does not receive any incentive or commission for recommending titles.


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