When my favorite conference, She Speaks, rolled around last summer, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go… it was expensive, my schedule was full, I’d been there and done that (six times, in fact). I prayed for clarity. So, when someone I’d never met from our She Speaks Facebook group called and asked if she could ride with me, I took it as a heavenly nod of approval and booked my room.

My sparkling roommate, Cindy Bultema, when we met at a previous She Speaks Conference

At breakfast Friday morning, my roommate and I dropped our bags in two open chairs then hit the buffet. When 800 women swarm a breakfast buffet, you eat whatever and sit wherever with whomever! Cindy and I were soon joined by Bonnie and Heather, a mother-daughter duo from New England. Bonnie shared her dreams of speaking—a calling Cindy quickly affirmed for her! (You will never meet a more encouraging group than the She Speaks sisters, a trait passed down from our generous Proverbs 31 leaders.) Cindy shared about her new Bible study, Red Hot Faith. Heather shared about her job her church in Connecticut—interestingly, I do many of the same things at my church.

Heather had come on the writing track and was scheduled to meet with publishers, but she didn’t have a book proposal—she didn’t even have a book outline. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her to cancel her publisher appointment so someone more prepared could have it, but when my super-spiritual roomie suggested she pray about it, I kept my unsaintly mouth shut. We finished eating before I had a chance to share about the Neighborhood Café.

Maybe I was the one who should cancel my appointment with a publisher, having met with so many over the years to no avail. Most of them would act excited about the Neighborhood Café, but eventually every compliment was followed by a “…but…” I love the idea but… it’s not traditional. It’s cute but… we don’t do cute. You’ve done a wonderful job but… it’s not our audience. Whatever.

Having learned a long time ago to never get my hopes up (or get them down), I approached my 11:15 appointment Saturday with low expectations. The editor was very nice and seemed enthusiastic as I explained the Neighborhood Café. She asked for a Neighborhood Café Kit to show her team. (She later called it a “wonderful/astounding/magnificent vision”!)

I made my way to the lunch room to save seats for my friends while the editor’s appointments continued every 15 minutes like clockwork. At 11:45, a woman sat down in the same chair from which I had risen a few minutes earlier and explained, “I don’t have a book proposal, I don’t even have an outline. I just want to write about how to love your neighbors.”

The puzzled editor listened to Heather’s heart for helping women connect over cups of coffee in their own living rooms, of friendships formed on front porches and women learning about the love of Christ from their neighbors. This was a remarkably familiar burden.

“I don’t know what’s happening here, but you need to meet Amy Lively!” she said, and they spent the rest of the appointment looking at the Neighborhood Café Kit.

Heather walked out of the meeting room and ran smack dab into Cindy. (If I’ve made it sound like this is a small place where you see the same people over and over – it is not! There are hundreds of gorgeous women milling around this very large hotel and conference center.) “Do you know Amy Lively?” she asked.

“Well, yeah—she’s my roommate. You had breakfast with her yesterday,” Cindy explained.

“Do you know where I could find her?”

Cindy looked down as my incoming text buzzed her phone. “She’s at Table 10.”

Heather and Amy

Heather and  me

Heather made her way to Table 10 and the story unfolded. Not only did we share work experience and technical skills, we shared a passion for helping women love their neighbors. Her own faith had been shaped and nurtured doing life together with women in a neighborhood Bible study. When I asked her to pray about becoming involved in the Neighborhood Café, she confidently answered, “I don’t have to pray. I’ve already prayed. I’ve been praying about this for a long time!”

As we laughed about our near miss at breakfast, Luann Prater with Encouragement Café approached our table. For the past two days, Luann had been trying to hook me up with a woman she met in one of her sessions named Wendy. Luann was familiar with the Neighborhood Café and knew instinctively that it was a perfect fit for Wendy’s life. We had even left messages for Wendy at the registration desk and asked her to contact us. “She’s wearing a green sweater today!” was all Luann could offer.



Magically, a smiling woman in a green sweater appeared at Luann’s side and said, “Here I am!” Wendy had spotted Luann across the room, which was about as big as a football field, and made her way over. As Wendy made herself at home at Table 10, she discovered that a woman at the table from New Orleans was good friends with Wendy’s next door neighbor in South Carolina! Wendy also happens to live 19 minutes from my former home in South Carolina. She is far from her family and new to her community, and despite a season of grief and tragedy, Wendy came to She Speaks to discern God’s calling to serve other women.

Heather, Wendy and I cancelled the rest of our appointments and spent the next couple of hours praying together and talking about the ministry. These two women have the passion and practical skills I’ve been praying for. Heather’s experience in marketing, organization, administration, technology and church leadership are exactly what’s needed to serve women more efficiently and effectively. Wendy’s ability to communicate and encircle our Hostesses will help them know they are not alone. And, her work experience in retail merchandising and planning is a plus as I create, design, procure, assemble, store, sell and ship all 114 pieces in each Café Kit!

For several years I’ve asked God to create a team of women to take the Neighborhood Café in whatever direction He desired. I crave input, accountability and new ideas. I helpfully reminded Him, “If that’s going to happen, Lord, this conference is a likely place to meet someone!” Just that morning I had written in my notebook, “Lord, I need help!” I imagine He smiled, knowing you would soon introduce me to a woman who had just written in her own journal, “Lord, I can’t do this alone.”


I’m still talking to the publisher both Wendy and I almost cancelled. Since She Speaks, life has been tough for my new team. We returned to hectic schedules, troubling family situations, financial pressures, work stresses. And I’m not talking about the normal “life is hard!” kind of stuff; I’m talking “what the heck is happening?” stuff.

What we’re attempting to do is a big deal. You can’t proclaim the name of Jesus from your front porch then be surprised when the devil answers the call. And, it’s been my experience that whenever anyone is on the verge of a breakthrough in their personal spiritual walk or corporate ministry, God takes them aside for a time of testing and tenderness.

This might be persecution. It might be purification. We’re ready either way. We’re seeking God’s comfort and counsel. Would you also pray for each of us, our families, our home churches, and mostly for the women this ministry may reach?

Sometimes I wonder if this is even a good idea. Then I remember how God answered years of prayers by bringing these two beautiful women literally to my side in a matter of minutes. When I’m discouraged, may these amazing coincidences—I prefer to call them God-incidences—be reminders of His faithfulness, His promises and His lovingkindness.


  1. Jennifer Young

    Amy, this is so wonderful for you! You really should share with our congregation.You are such a blessing to us all.

  2. Heather from Ct

    Oh Amy, how I love this story. I’m anxious to see the next chapters.

  3. Liz Jones

    what an incredible testimony! It is so amazing how God connects people. I had no idea that you had to experience so many setbacks to get your book published and your ministry supported. You are a tough cookie! I hope someday I can attend the she speaks conference, it sounds amazing and intimidating 🙂

    • Amy Lively

      Liz, if I chronicled all the setbacks, disappointments and discouragements we would be reading for a very long time! Hope you can go to She Speaks, it’s wonderful!


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