One of the things Amy and I are passionate about is studying the Word of God. Combine that with this ministry’s obvious love of community and what do you get? Communities of people studying the Word of God.

It has been my experience, though, that finding good studies for groups is very difficult. Sometimes, I feel like I can’t find anything to suit the needs of my friends…often because they are all in a different stage of their spiritual walk. Other times, however, I get overwhelmed with the choices and unsure how I will have the time to review them all.

We never want you to feel alone. Ever. We want you to feel like How To Love Your Neighbor always has your back.

So let me start by reviewing a book that really changed the course of my neighborhood Bible Study, Lysa TerKeurst’s Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl.

Review & Recommendation

book review_bible study girlThis review is very personal, because this book revolutionized the bible study I was leading. I had a comfortable group of six to eight women who attended for a couple years. We saw growth spiritually, but it had been a while since we stretched our boundaries. The title of this book says it all. We wanted to quit being the women who were satisfied in going to bible study, going home, and never really doing anything with our knowledge.

Lysa TerKeurst, in her notably winsome way, meets women where they are and graciously leads them toward a place of daring to be different. The scripture and the insights in this study were easy to tailor to “church ladies”, “newbies”, and the “I’m just here for the free cake” people in the group.

It was during this study that I felt challenged to ask the women to each invite three new people to the next study. The book pointed us straight to God’s Truth and His Character, which gave us the courage we needed. The next study included many new faces, many of who had never set foot in church in their lives, who not only came to accept Christ but now lead our neighborhood study after I’ve moved. It really all started with this book.

From Amy: I  had the privilege of joining my sister-in-law and her girlfriends last week as they studied this book. I’ve been jealously watching this group of friends from afar for the past 15 years; they call themselves LYLAS (Love Ya’ Like A Sister), and they study, worship, pray, play and serve together. Since I was in town, they graciously invited me to grab my copy of this classic and discuss Part 3 about Relationships with them. Lysa’s writing (they also had the video) was funny yet also piercing: everyone related to her stories, and to the Scripture she shared. It sparked deep discussion, some honest confession, affirmation and accountability, and actionable steps each woman could take in the days ahead. 

This is a great study for Women’s Ministry, neighborhood bible study, Christians and the curious.



Is something missing in your life?

Lysa TerKeurst knows what it’s like to consider God just another thing on her to-do list. For years she went through the motions of a Christian life: Go to church. Pray. Be nice. She longed for a deeper connection between what she knew in her head and her everyday reality, and she wanted to personally experience God’s presence.

Drawing from her own remarkable story of step-by-step faith, Lysa invites you to uncover the spiritually exciting life for which we all yearn.

The adventure God has in store for your life just might blow you away.



Paperback: 224 pages, Kindle, Audible, CD, DVD, Study Guide also available.
Publisher: Zondervan (2009)


Also Available

Book Review_UngluedBook Review_The Best Yes


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