Book Title Reveal!

This isn’t what it started out to be.

It’s even better!

When 1 Peter first caught my eye, I taught it in my Neighborhood Cafe Bible study for my neighbors in my Ohio home. It was 2011, and there was lots of talk about the “expiring” Mayan calendar that “predicted” the end of the world in 2012. Needless to say, that didn’t happen – but it was the backdrop for a study called “The End is Near.” It’s always been one of my favorite Bible studies I’ve written. I designed it using a cartoony font and retro graphics to make light of serious principles from Peter’s warning,

The end of the world is coming soon… 1 Peter 4:7


Fast forward to the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. I was leading an incredible women’s ministry team in Colorado. Like many of you, we were trying to figure out what our women needed in this season of fear and uncertainty, and how in the world to deliver it during social distancing, face masks, and shut downs. Others figured out the safest logistics while I sat with my Bible and prayed for an encouraging Word. I was  still drawn to 1 Peter but it wasn’t edgy anymore, and it wasn’t even retro. It was all too current and very scary. In one of those “I’ll never forget where I was” moments, I started at the beginning and read –

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

And there it was: hope fully. Hope in Jesus’s grace, not today’s circumstances or tomorrow’s wishes. “Hope Fully” was the name of the Bible Study I taught that summer, the women dutifully separated by six empty seats and many others joining online. It became the working title of a book proposal that I worked on for two years. Two years, people!

My awesome agent, Blythe Daniel, hooked me up with my first-choice publisher, Kregel Publications, and I began writing the book in earnest during the winter of 2022.  I wrote that book like it was my job, working eight hours a day in perfect little office my church in Florida graciously gave me. I wrote and rewrote, and I promise I only took one tiny nap on the tiny vinyl loveseat.

You were there, do you remember?

Every time the job became overwhelming, I thought of you. When I didn’t know how to connect my thoughts, I remembered your stories. If the words weren’t flowing, I prayed for God to send them for your sake.

I remembered the marriages that dissolved, the children who didn’t come home, people who had been wrecked by cars, by fists, and by life. Women who still lifted their hands in praise, lowering them only long enough to wipe their tears. And women who didn’t know if they could really, truly trust God after all they’d been through.

Their stories are in the book that will make its debut this September, with a title that perfectly tells its story:

Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope?

How to Find Faith for Hard Times in 1 Peter

These tests of my faith feel like drinking from a teacup while driving through a pileup, trying not to spill a single drop. My dreams slosh over the sides and stain my carefully laid plans until my cup is dry.

Can I borrow a cup of hope?

The New Testament book of 1 Peter is where we’ll learn how to find faith for hard times and refill our sloshed-over, drained-dry cups with abundant hope. This letter from the apostle Peter to the first Christians comprises only 105 verses, five short chapters, and maybe three or four thin pages in your Bible. But even though it’s short, as you get to know Peter, his words will become as comforting as a personal note from a dear friend. In his letter, Peter will help us set aside our hopeless fears and hopeful fantasies and set our hope fully on God’s faithfulness.

It’s for you, and I hope you love it. The cover is adorable but I can’t show it to you quite yet. Let me know if you’d like to know when it’s ready and learn about upcoming launch team, tons of bonus material, and fun giveaways. In the meantime, if your cup of hopes and dreams has dried up – or is taking a dozen years to come to life, like mine did – please take a few minutes to read 1 Peter, and let God’s Word refill your faith in our precious Jesus.  

Be the first to know when
Can I Borrow a Cup of Hope?
is available!


  1. Rene' Kroll

    Amy, the new title is awesome, and I look forward to reading your book. What an exciting time for you. Congratulations!

    • Amy Lively

      Thank you, Rene! Can’t wait for you to see the cover and, more importantly, what’s inside. I pray it’s a blessing!

  2. Jess

    So exciting!

    • Amy Lively

      A loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggg process, but YES, exciting!

  3. Sharon Jacobs

    Love the new title! Can’t wait to use this in our neighborhood cafe, Lord-willing in Soring of 2024. Happy Easter! He is Risen!!

    • Amy Lively

      Happy Easter, Sharon! Oh, yes, please do use it at your Neighborhood Cafe! I’d love to do a video call or plan a visit!


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