#5: Give

Love Your Neighbor Challenge

Your challenge on the next Love Your Neighbor Challenge is to give a gift to a neighbor. If you don’t know your neighbor well (or at all!), having a little gift for them gives you something to talk about as soon as the door is opened. It’s an instant ice breaker.

How did you feel the last time someone gave you an unexpected gift? Donna recently gave me a vintage dish towel that matches my kitchen, Bettie gave me a pair of socks to go with a new sweater, and Michelle gave me a bowl of soup made just the way I like it. I was warmed from the inside out and from head to toe!

“It’s easier to knock on your neighbor’s door with one hand
when you’re holding a gift in the other.”
How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird, page 147

The following gift ideas are appropriate even if you haven’t met your neighbor before. If you do know them, try to choose a gift that speaks to their interests, needs or hobbies. A gift doesn’t have to be expensive in order to be precious, and it doesn’t have to be elaborate to be appreciated.

Adorable, affordable gift ideas for your neighbors

  1. Valentine’s candy
  2. Seed packet or artificial flower in hope of spring
  3. Fresh flowers
  4. Children’s drawing (getting your children involved is a beautiful way to teach them to love their neighbor!)
  5. Sample-sized soaps or lotions
  6. A cookie or cupcake
  7. Coffee mug
  8. Coffee, K-cups, tea, or cocoa mix
  1. Picture frame
  2. Puzzle book
  3. Bottle of wine
  4. Food gifts like nuts, fruit, popcorn
  5. Pet treats
  6. Candle
  7. Car wash gift card
  8. Baby toys
  9. Card game
  10. Gift book
  11. Local gift card

You can find endless craftiness on Pinterest (check out these pins), or pick up a token of your affection at Hobby Lobby (here’s their ad). Include a gift tag with a greeting and your name, address and phone number.


That seems easy enough, doesn’t it?

It’s kinda fun to think about putting together a simple little package to brighten a neighbor’s day.

But then… there comes a moment… when you realize you are going to actually have to knock on their door! You might be terrified. I know I was! But you can do this, I know you can. Just say this,

“Hi, I’m [insert your name] and I live right over there [point to your home]. I just came by to say Happy Valentine’s Day and give you this [thrust gift at them and run].”

OK, I’m just kidding – don’t run away. Stick around for a couple of minutes to talk about the weather and how things are going in the neighborhood. There’s an eensy-weensy chance they will be curmudgeonly or cranky, but you are not responsible for their response – only for your creative obedience to Christ’s #2 command.

In my experience knocking on my neighbors’ doors, they will be delighted! Your kindness could come at the exact moment they need to know someone cares about them, and your knock could open the door to a new friendship.

What are your favorite gifts to give? Let us know in the comments (links, too!) or on socials. 


Follow the Love Your Neighbor Challenge on Facebook or Instagram! 

If these tips and tools have given you a new idea, if you’ve met a new neighbor or thought about your neighbors in a different way, would you please let me know?

Contact me or message me on Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear your stories!

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